“All Jews Should be Gassed” – Richard Corbett Defends EU Silencing of Populists to Tucker Carlson

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2017

Tucker Carlson is about to make the Daily Stormer obsolete. I mean, at some point, this whole site is just going to be Tucker Carlson clips.

Here you have him speaking with Richard Corbett, a British Labour MP, about the EU Parliament’s new program to cut people’s mics on the parliament floor if they start saying something “racist or xenophobic.”

At multiple points in the interview, Corbett brings up the Jews, at one point giving the example that someone can’t go out on the parliament floor and say “all Jews should be gassed.”

Although I personally believe it is reasonable to call for the wholesale gassing of Jews, and I have yet to hear an argument against it, it is clear that no one is saying this in the EU Parliament and Corbett is using it as a basic strawman argument.

As Tucker points out, this is about silencing populist speech.

As I have said, it is also a horrible idea. It is not Art of War tactics. It is the opposite of that. All that silencing people does is make them angry – unless that silencing is backed up by death squads ready to wipe out people’s families. And even if this extreme case, it doesn’t work if the sentiment has infected a certain percentage of the population. And in Europe, populist sentiment has gotten too big for even brutal death squad assassinations of family members to stop it.

The EU is absolutely desperate. They have no idea what to do. They are just lashing out, trying anything that they thing might shut it down.

But their ability to shut anything down ended in 2015 when Mama Merkel invited the entire Moslem world to come live on welfare in Europe and rape white women at will.

The revolution is inevitable. And all their attempts to stop it are only going to speed it up.