Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2016

It is incredible to watch the hordes of failures attacking Our Glorious Leader.
Rand Paul has stated that he has devoted his entire life to bringing down The Donald.
Appearing on the Alan Colmes show to explain that he spends every waking hour planning to thwart him.
Starts at about 6:00. The first six minutes he spends trying to argue that all polling is a hoax and he is actually winning the hearts and minds. Then he endorses the Blacks.
The crowned king of the cucks, Jeb Bush, has continued to lecture the people on why they are all wrong, and has basically said that Americans are evil for supporting Trump.
The question came from the audience, but it might as well have come from inside Jeb Bush’s own brain: “Why would you want to be President of a nation that would consider voting for Donald Trump?”
The former Florida Governor shook his head on this snowy Saturday morning. Such questions are not uncommon at Bush’s campaign events.
“I don’t think Donald Trump is a reflection of the American people,” Bush answered Saturday.
“American people” when used by Jeb Bush means “illegal Mexicans.”
Then, as he was trying to make the case that his leadership experience trumped Trump’s belligerent talk, a voter interrupted, shouting “We want our jobs back!” The former frontrunner whose support has waned has nothing left to lose, and he has scarce patience for such theatrics these days. “That’s good, dude, but let me answer this young man’s question first,” Bush said.
Jeb is one of the top faggots arguing that we need to give away more of our jobs to these burrito people.
Trump is going to give us our jobs back by removing these people once and for all.
No idea why this guy hasn’t dropped-out yet. Why any of these losers haven’t dropped-out yet.
Don’t they feel shame?
The question remains, however, what to do about Trump, the current frontrunner who has remained atop the heap far longer than anyone expected. “I think the world is volatile. Politics is volatile. He’s volatile,” Bush tells TIME in an interview. “New Hampshire decides late. They’re discerning voters. I will put my trust in them.”
That is really his own option, given the electoral environment where he finds himself. “There’s a mythology that’s built up for all candidates,” Bush said Saturday. Trump’s story is that he’s the frontrunner and that Bush is a low-energy loser. Both, Bush said, were false. He then thanked his audience for its patience while he tried to sort out his place in the race. “It was like giving me therapy,” Bush said.
Carly Fiorna, who has a disgusting face and a completely failed life, is also sinking to new lows in attacking the GREATEST EVER AMERICAN.
She is defending terrorists, publicly aligning herself with suicide-bombers in waiting against the American people.
In New Hampshire in an election year, even young children aren’t afraid to share their views with politicians — as Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina saw firsthand Friday night.
“Do you think Donald Trump is taking away our rights by not letting Muslims in the country because there’s some terrorist attacks?” Harrison Golden, an eight-year-old Fiorina supporter, who is Muslim, asked the businesswoman after a town hall event she held in southeastern New Hampshire.
“I think Donald Trump says a lot of things that are crazy,” Fiorina responded.
Harrison’s sister, Zahra, who is 10 years old, weighed in: “Donald Trump’s a moron.”
“There you go!” Fiorina replied. “Donald Trump’s a moron. Out of the mouths of babes.”
Zahra told ABC News that she was Muslim and disagreed with the businessman’s proposal to ban the entry of Muslims into the United States. She came to Fiorina’s town hall with her father, a Fiorina supporter, and her two younger siblings.
“Donald Trump is a moron because he doesn’t support racial rights, because he’s saying that Muslims are bad and they should be kicked out of the country,” Zahra said. “I don’t think that’s fair, because I’m a Muslim, my mom’s side is a Muslim, and it’s just not fair. You’re just judging a person by their religion and you’re not looking at their profile or looking at their status updates. Like, ‘Have they been to jail?’ ‘Have they been a terrorist or not?‘
This is the new “conservatism” – coddling Moslem terrorists.
But Fiorna can get away with saying a lot, as nothing she says could ever be more offensive than her face, which is like something straight out of hell.
Ladies, it is better to age gracefully. By the time you’re a grandma, you shouldn’t feel a need to look sexy unless you have some serious mental defect.
Other “conservative” losers are coming out of the woodwork to attack Our Donald in the run-up to the Iowa primaries in 15 days. These losers include the trashy crybaby cuck Glenn Beck and the Jewish parasite Mark Levin.
They now understand that the Trump Train was built without any sort of braking mechanism, so they have made the decision to throw their bodies in front of the Trump Train, hoping to create an immovable object by forming a body-pile.
No one told them that this train runs on a divine mixture of White America’s hopes and dreams and pure JUSTICE.