Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2015

We had no idea how deeply the hatred ran.
If the University of Missouri succeeds in meeting a student demand for a faculty that’s 10 percent black in two years, it will likely be alone among its peers.
No state’s “flagship” public university campus had a black faculty population approaching that level, and only a handful topped even the 5 percent mark, an Associated Press analysis of 2013 federal data found.
The norm on most of the main campuses was a faculty that was between 2 percent and 4 percent black, the data showed.
Universities are well aware that staff and student bodies often don’t match, administrators and experts say, and demonstrations and discussions around the country in recent days have driven home the point.
Fresh from a two-hour “listening session” Friday, University of Massachusetts Senior Vice Provost John McCarthy said students made clear the need for change.
“It was the biggest auditorium we have and undergraduates of color were standing up and talking about the fact that they need to see more faculty of color in the classroom, they need to see more faculty that look like them, they need to see faculty who are more familiar with their experiences as students of color,” McCarthy said.
It’s the difference between feeling understood and the pressure of being seen as representing a race, students and others said.
“There’s a difference in the learning experience that you have when you’re learning from someone you believe you can identify with more closely,” said Micah Oliver, 21, president of the Black Student Association at the University at Buffalo.
Blacks are over ten percent of the nation’s population, so that they wouldn’t be ten percent of the staff of a university means racism. When you realize that race doesn’t exist and is only the color of the skin, then you know there is no other possibility. All universities on the planet are refusing to hire Blacks because they hate the color of the skin.
smdh in current year.
Every university in America needs to fire thousands of Whites and replace them with Blacks.