“Allahu Akbar!” at German New Year: Moslem Mob Attacks Police and Sets Fire to Church

Diversity Macht Frei
January 3, 2017

A mob of more than 1000 men is said to have launched fireworks at the police. Syrians shouted the Islamic battle cry “Allahu Akbar” and the fire brigade had to put out a fire in a church. “Generally from the City of Dortmund’s point of view, it was a normal New Year night for Dortmund,” said a spokesman for the city government on Sunday morning.


The Muslims set fire to a historic church, the Reinoldkirche. You may remember this from a post I made not long ago (link). German patriots entered the church and unfurled a banner saying “Stop Islamisation” from its tower. That attracted lots of hostile media coverage. But, strangely, a Muslim mob setting fire to the church has attracted much less media coverage.

Insofar as the German media has covered this incident at all, it has tended to diminish it. Muslims attacking police? Boisterous New Year spirits. Muslims setting fire to a church? Firework gone astray. Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar!” No doubt happy Syrians celebrating the ceasefire in their country. You get the idea.