Also in “Iowa”: Bernie Sanders, lol

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2016

meanwhile in iowa

A typical village in “Iowa.”

Backward-ass Iowaian village people not only endorsed endless wars for the Jews and continued Moslem immigration to America by voting for Goldman Sachs Cruz last night, they also endorsed full-communism by voting for the whackjob Jew Bernie Sanders.

It is basically a tie between him and Hillary, maybe with Hillary having zero-point-something percent more than him.


This is probably a good thing.

I certainly dislike Hillary a lot more than I dislike this wacky communist Jew.

Sanders obviously would lose badly if he got the nomination, and it is looking like he might. It probably isn’t just the backward primitives of Iowa that support hardcore communism over Hillary Clinton – even her own supporters dislike her and believe she is a lying trickster. The woman is literally campaigning on starting a World War with Russia to protect ISIS.