Alt-Cucklapse: Bill Mitchell Off the Rails, Trying to Get Alt-Right Chick Fired

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2016

Where the hell was this guy when they were casting Suicide Squad? We could have gotten a Joker who was #NotAWigger.

So this is fun.

In the latest bit of fallout from the collapse of the Alt-Cuck, Bill Mitchell has lost his mind.

For those who don’t know, Mitchell is a radio host and tweeter who did a bunch of poll analysis and predictions based on non-poll indicators during the campaign. In a perfect world, we would all be celebrating this guy right now. He was viciously mocked by the Jew media during the run-up to the election, and it turned out he was right, while Nate Silver was either delusional or just a Jewish liar.

But alas, the world is not perfect, and Mitchell has decided to cuck.

He played like he was down with the Alt-Right, and now that there is seen by these hucksters to be no more purpose to the Alt-Right – and wrongly believe it is “bad for their brand” – he’s trying to bus-throw everyone.

He’s called the employer of another tweeter, Amy Moreno, and told them she’s a Nazi. She works for Truthfeed, and just like Bill, made friends with a lot of Alt-Right Nazis during the campaign. But unlike Bill, she is not doing any bus-throwing. As he was doing bus-throwing, denouncing racists who believe in a white genocide “conspiracy theory,” I guess he thought it looked bad to have others not doing it.

This is a serious SJW move that he must have known would inspire rage in all but the most aggressive of cucks. It looks really, really bad.

He is an associate of Thernovich, and is going down the same road. One would have thought that after witnessing the Thernovich collapse, he would have stayed cool. Not so.

He is also a headliner at the DeploraBall, by the way.

It’s a big play these people are making, trying to get the vast majority of twitter Trump-supporters under the bus.

It looks like they’re going to need a bigger bus.

Mitchell has gotten a massive backlash, and he’s flipping his gourd.

Just so people understand – he wasn’t pushing all of this anti-racist stuff until recently. He wasn’t pushing openly racist stuff, but he wasn’t complaining about it either. This is part of a massive push by these Alt-Cucks to try and mainstream in the post-election world.

These are all real tweets (someone is passing around a fake troll account, which is funny, but these are directly from his confirmed account).

They’re in chronological order from the last 16 hours or so.

Note: “America First” was coined by Charles Lindbergh, who was an actual literal Hitlerist.

Just saying.

Now we get into the tweets about Amy Moreno.

As always, he then accused people who are against kikery of working for the kikes.

And yo – get a load of this DR3.

Video still on the way….

And finally…

More accusations of kikism among the anti-kikes.

Then he says this

And that’s fair enough. Only it isn’t the Alt-Right that changed. Mike Thernovich declared a purge against Nazis.

And then…

The final insult.

No coming back from that one, Bill.

You just ended your career.

Last digits of that anti-kek first tweet?

Check it.


That’s right: Moloch.

The only anti-kek are the Moloch people.

That’s when he went to sleep, or possibly committed suicide.

These cucks have greatly underestimated the number of Nazis. They keep claiming that there are only a few hundred. Well if that is the case, who are these 125,000 people who visit the Daily Stormer every day?

Most people don’t come every day, obviously, but read regularly – a few times a week – which would put our total regular readership at probably twice that – 250,000 people. A quarter mill, fam.

And yes, we are technically the most visited Alt-Right website, and over half of our audience is international. However, there is not a whole lot of overlap between the twitter Alt-Right and Daily Stormer – maybe 10% of our readership is active on twitter – and there are probably more Alt-Right people who are twitter-based than there are daily Daily Stormer readers.

Bill Mitchell has 170,000 twitter followers. I think at least a third of them are hardcore Alt-Right, and most of the others are sick to death of hearing people whine about racism.

He is as doomed as Thernovich.

This split – which they initiated – is the best thing that has ever happened. They are forcing people to choose sides. And they have been so sloppy in their purge that anyone on the fence is going to choose us.

The full destruction of the Alt-Cuck will be the first major victory of the Alt-Right in 2017.