Stuff Black People Don’t Like
July 5, 2014

Happy Independence Day!
With news white deaths outpace white births, and the majority of children enrolled in public school are no longer white, don’t think this news story out of Rhodesia Zimbabwe isn’t an insight into the future. [White farmers must not own land in Zimbabwe, declares Mugabe, Daily Nation, 7-3-14]:
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has renewed his onslaught against white farmers saying they would no longer be allowed to own land in the country.The 90 year-old old leader, who launched a violent land reform programme in 2,000 that displaced the majority of the 4,000 white commercial farmers, on Wednesday said Zimbabwe was no country for white farmers.“There are white farmers who are still on the land and have the protection of some Cabinet ministers and politicians as well as traditional leaders,” President Mugabe said.“That should never happen and we will deal with ministers but as for our chiefs we do not want to harass you. We do not want trouble.“I have been given a list of 35 white farmers in Mashonaland West (province) alone and in just a few districts that have been audited.“We say no to whites owning our land and they should go.“They can own companies and apartments in our towns and cities but not the soil.“It is ours and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.”President Mugabe has often justified the wholesale seizure of productive farms saying he was correcting historical injustices.However, the land reform programme saw Zimbabwe’s agriculture based economy taking a serious knock and the country’s now experiences perennial food shortages.
California, New Mexico, Mississippi, and even Texas: this is the future.