Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2014

A recent survey of the millennial generation turned up quite a few interesting statistics, but the one that interested me most was that 48% of Whites in this age range believe discrimination against them is a problem.
From Bloomberg:
An MTV survey of millennials between 14 and 24 years of age found that 88% of millennials oppose affirmative action because they “believe that favoring one race over another is unfair” and “90% believe that everyone should be treated the same regardless of race.” There was “was no statistical difference by race for” these responses.
The Supreme Court recently upheld Michigan’s voter-approved ban on affirmative action while Hispanic and black legislators in California are vowing to reinstitute affirmative action even though the University of California (UC) system admitted a record number of Hispanics, who also outnumbered whites, this year. The Latino Legislative Caucus in California is even making it a top item on its legislative agenda.
In addition, 70% (74% of whites and 65% of minorities) of millennials surveyed believe “it’s never fair to give preferential treatment to one race over another, regardless of historical inequalities.”
The survey also found that 67% of millennials believe America is still divided even though there is a black president, and whites and minorities showed considerable difference on other questions. For instance, 48% of whites believe that “discrimination against white people has become as big a problem as discrimination against racial minority groups” while only 27% of minorities do. When asked whether “white people have more opportunities today than racial minority groups,” 39% of whites agreed while 65% of minorities felt whites were more advantaged. And when asked whether the “government pays too much attention to the problems of racial minority groups,” 41% of whites agreed while only 21% of minorities did.
The grounds are now fertile for White Revolution.
Though I am not able to track the age of readers, I can say that I get more emails from the 16-22 crowd than any other age group. If a White racialist political movement were to rise in America, the youth would flock to it. Other than being necessary on a biological level, racism is now becoming cool, as the establishment is so obsessively anti-racist and so tyrannical in its enforcement of anti-racist ideology.
The indoctrination can only go so far, and it appears to be reaching the end of the line. On the primal level, the boys want their girls safe, and the girls want away from these carnivorous apes who roam the streets preying on them.
Surely, we have a lot of work to do. Work which is not going to do itself. But our ideology will never be less popular than it is right now. We have nowhere to go but straight up.
The tides are turning, White Man.
Get ready for the big show.