Daily Stormer
February 3, 2014

In the wake of some African countries cracking down on homosexuality, America has agreed to accept the diseased and morally depraved refuse of the dark continent.
From SFGate.com:
In America, Carine can hold Gertrude’s hand and not be beaten. It’s amazing to them both.
On Market Street in San Francisco, they can push their baby in a stroller and not be spit upon for being witches or demons of sin – as lesbians are back in their home villages in Cameroon.
In that West African country, being convicted of homosexuality brings years of prison, just as it does in Uganda, Afghanistan and 74 other nations. That’s why Carine and Gertrude have fled to America, as have an increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people each year from countries including this month’s Winter Olympics host, Russia…
She and Carine are among a rising tide of LGBT immigrants fleeing oppression for life in the U.S. Advocates say the number has grown from a couple of hundred cases a year two decades ago to nearly 3,000.

It is important to point out that while the Jews who control our society are thrilled to welcome African perverts into the country, they want to prevent the Romeikes, a German homeschooling family, from living in America. The Romeikes have requested asylum on the grounds that Germany does not allow homeschooling, and they fear that the German state would take their children away because of their refusal to send them to the antichrist government schools. But the Obama administration is determined that the Romeikes be returned to their home country and face persecution.
Just to make it clear: low-IQ, AIDS-ridden, sexually perverted black savages are a welcome addition to America, but White Christians are not.