Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2015

Did you know that John Kerry has his own special advisor on Holocaust issues?
I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I actually did not know that. It is an extremely fun fact to know and tell. It’s the same guy who successfully extorted France for more Holocash last year.
I wonder how many other historical events he has special advisors for? Do you think he has a special advisor on the Civil War?
Anyway, this special – very special, to be certain – advisor is concerned about the 500,000 survivors of the Holocaust who need more shekels which someone needs to give them for free. You see, many of these survivors were unable to work after being liberated because they had already been turned into lampshades by Hitler.
“It’s really unacceptable that those people who in their youth suffered so grievously should have to live out their declining years in deprivation, isolation and poverty,” Stuart Eizenstat, special advisor on Holocaust issues to John Kerry told AFP.
“In New York City alone, of the 60,000 survivors, 50% are in that state. In Israel about a third are, and in the former Soviet Union countries upwards of 85-90% are in poverty,” he said on the sidelines of a conference in Prague.
“All the surveys indicate that substantial percentages of those (survivors) are living in poverty or near poverty,” Eizenstat added.
Each signatory should name a government official to help survivors handle programs available to them, while the EU should appoint a person to tackle anti-Semitism, Holocaust issues and the implementation of the declaration, said Eizenstat.
He added that France, Germany and other countries had sold heirless Jewish properties confiscated by the Nazis to raise funds for social benefits.
Austria and Poland have programs to pay pensions to survivors who suffered on their territories but live abroad, while Germany is running a four-year $1 billion (920-million-euro) home care program for survivors.
It often feels as though “Holocaust” is a codeword for “pay Jews forever.”
Another fun fact: all you have to do to be a “holocaust survivor” is:
a) be a Jew, and
b) have been alive in Europe during WWII.
There are no other requirements. You don’t have to have been in a camp, you don’t have to have walked backward out of a gas chamber, you don’t have to have been made into a lampshade.
But the trauma of just being alive while other people were being made into lampshades – for this, you must be given free money forever.