Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2015

Apparently, it is now a thing for stinking Jew rats who feel boxed in by overwhelming hatred being spewed at them by the Moslems they brought to Europe are fleeing to America.
Following an interview with the Telegraph, the Gould family is being featured across the media as the poster-children of this despicable attempt by the British to force all of these diseased reptiles onto the American people.
Simon and Honey Gould, married for more than 20 years and with two children, live a seemingly peaceful life in their handsome five-bedroom house in a quiet British suburb.
Simon, 52, is a successful businessman running his own property company. Honey, 49, has pursued a career in marketing, while also raising son Arron, now 18, and daughter Angel, 16. Their wide circle of friends, close family and other relatives lives nearby.
Yet this summer the Goulds will leave everything behind – their north Manchester home filled with memories, their lovely, rambling garden, their busy social life – and leave the UK for good.
It may sound dramatic – incomprehensible, even. But the family, who are Jewish, no longer feel safe in this country. They believe they have no choice.
“It’s a terrible wrench,” says Honey, who admits that even emptying a single drawer “takes hours” as, bit by bit, she packs away the pieces of their life, ready for transit to their new home in the US state of Arizona.
“I’m proud to be British. My parents live in London. Simon has lived his whole life in two streets of north Manchester. Our house is the only home our son and daughter have ever known. But we have to do this, not least for the sake of our children.”
She is not the only member of Britain’s 300,000-strong Jewish community to feel things have reached crisis point. Since the gun attack that killed three people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels last year and the murder by radical Islamists of four Jews at a kosher supermarket on the outskirts of Paris last month, the chorus of concern has been growing. The actress Maureen Lipman recently revealed that she, too, is considering leaving the UK because of the rising number of attacks on Jews.
A poll by the Campaign Against Antisemitism last month found nearly half of Britons thought that at least one anti‑Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true”.
Then, yesterday, annual figures from the Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitism in Britain, showed a record number of anti‑Semitic incidents in 2014 (1,168 incidents were recorded, more than double the 535 incidents logged in 2013).
London and Greater Manchester bore the brunt of the increase, with Manchester seeing a 79 per cent rise. One incident cited in the report involved the daubing of swastikas and the term “Jewish slag” on gravestones at a Jewish cemetery in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police says it has stepped up patrols.
The findings are borne out by the Goulds’ experience. “The other week, I was standing in the queue at a large supermarket in Manchester when the man in front of me said, ‘F—— Jews, they’re all over the place. They’re thieves, they are taking over our property. They’re everywhere,’ ” says Honey. “I’ve no idea if he knew I was Jewish or not, but I was absolutely terrified, and fled.”
Maybe instead of fleeing, you should just stop doing that, you horrible Jew bitch. It says in the second paragraph of this article that your husband is a properties mogul. How much introspection does it actually take to realize that if people across the entire planet have hated you for thousands of years, there is a decent chance it has something to do with your own behavior? I would think on an introspection scale of one to ten, ten being the highest level of introspection, you would only actually need a one. It seems that your race literally has negative introspection capacity, a level below one on a scale of one to ten.
But I’m got news for you, Goulds. As much as you may want to believe this is An American Tale*, and as soon as you cross the ocean you’re home free, that is not the case. In fact, though we don’t have all of these Moslems, White Americans are beginning to hate Jews at a rapidly rising rate. And unlike in Britain, we cannot be arrested for calling you thieves at the supermarket. In fact we can call you any names we want, and apparently also joke about bombing your ice cream shops, without any consequence.
Interestingly, Simon Gould has set up an agency designed to help Jews invade America which he calls “Emigrate to America,” but on his “About” page, he doesn’t mention that he was fleeing persecution as a reason for escaping.

He doesn’t even mention anything about being Jew.
Simon Gould, the founder and company MD of Emigrate to America, understands only too well the challenges involved in moving to the States.
Quite simply, he has done it himself, relocating from Manchester, UK to Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife and two children.
Born in Manchester, Simon has spent much of his working life involved with property investment.
Having been a regular visitor to the States, and spurred on by his son winning a place at a prestigious American University, the family decided to make the move.
They chose Scottsdale for a number of reasons including weather, golf, cost of property, cleanliness and cost of living.
And though excited by starting their new adventure, trying to find the right advisors – from immigration lawyers to real estate experts – proved to be a real challenge.
Indeed, it took Simon two years to research the most cost effective and least problematic route to a Visa
Overwhelmed by the complicated number of routes and options, it was only after the hard grind of personal investigation that Simon decided that for his family`s personal needs, the best route for him was what’s known as an EB5 visa – just one of several options available.
Meanwhile, his own exhaustive research made Simon realise how little clear, accessible information is readily available for those wishing to emigrate to the US.
Not just about visas either. From the quagmire of the tax system, to finding information about schooling, healthcare, banking and credit rating, it was apparent there was a pressing need for clear and sound advice about making that dream move to the States.
That’s why Simon is so uniquely positioned in terms of both empathy and experience to offer advice and to put you in touch with the right contacts you will need.
Interesting that he doesn’t only not mention fleeing religious persecution as his reason for leaving, but actually lists completely different reasons. So either he’s lying on his company website or he’s lying to the Telegraph – but who cares which? Just another evil lying Jew trying to Jew everyone over.
*An American Tale

For those who aren’t familiar, the 1986 animated film An American Tale was a Jewish production wherein the Jews literally anthropomorphized themselves as rats.
In 1885 Shostka, Russia, the Mousekewitzes—a Russian-Jewish family of mice—are forced to emigrate to the United States, after an army of Cossacks and their cats destroy their village as part of anti-Jewish pogroms. During the trip overseas, the family’s young son, Fievel, gets separated from the others and washes overboard in a storm. Thinking that Fievel has drowned, the others arrive in New York City.
Fievel, however, floats to America in a bottle and, after a pep talk from a French pigeon named Henri, embarks on a quest to find his family. He is waylaid by conman Warren T. Rat, who gains his trust and then sells him to a sweatshop. He escapes with Tony, a street-smart Italian mouse, and they join up with Bridget, an Irish mouse trying to rouse her fellow mice to stand up to cats. When a gang of cats called the Mott Street Maulers attacks a mouse marketplace, the immigrant mice learn that the tales of a cat-free country are not true.
Bridget takes Fievel and Tony to see Honest John, a drunk but reliable politician who knows all the voting mice in New York City. But, as the Mousekewitzes have not yet registered to vote, he can not help Fievel find them. Meanwhile, Fievel’s sister, Tanya, tells her gloomy parents she has a feeling that Fievel is still alive, but her parents insist that the feeling will eventually go away.
Yes, sorry, they anthropomorphized themselves as mice escaping a pogrom.
Regrettably, the film was artistically quite fantastic, directed by the non-Jew Don Bluth. It got poor reviews because the story, written by the weasel Steven Spielberg, was so incredibly horrible.
Bluth went on to direct All Dogs Go to Heaven, which had nothing to do with Jews and so could thus be interpreted as Antisemitic.

An American Tale was plenty better than the other piece of major media in which the rats anthropomorphized themselves as mice, which is a graphic novel called Maus.

As the reader is aware, I am something of a nerd, and as such, I am capable of speaking authoritatively on this matter: “Maus” is one of the most shoddy failures of story-telling to ever be celebrated on the level it has been celebrated upon. It is, definitively, utter garbage.