American Porno Culture is Disastrous

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2015

There’s a new documentary on Netflicks about porno sluts.

Some guys on 4/pol/ said this is good and red pill and shows the degeneracy of modern society, but you have to remember 4/pol/ is filled with a bunch of chronically fapping autistics and beta faggots. Particularly since CuckQuest 2014 when most of the bold chaps left for 8/pol/ or Reddit or whatever.

Looks okay though, I guess. It is made by a Jew actress/screenwriter named Rashida Jones, but appears to be anti-porno, at least from the preview. Possibly though it is just arguing that porn needs to be better regulated.

It is also focusing on the sluts who go do porno, who I have a hard time feeling bad for. Clearly coming at it from the feminist angle of “oh well they can’t take care of themselves and they’re being abused” – and angle which feminists oscillate back and forth to from the angle of “women have just as good of decision-making capabilities as men.”

I am much more concerned about the way porno culture is destroying our society than I am about individual sluts who claim they shouldn’t be held responsible for their own behavior, yet would scream and cry their eyes out if someone told them they shouldn’t be legally allowed to make their own decisions.

The saddest part of the porno situation as far as the girls are concerned is that if normal hooking was legal, these girls wouldn’t have to ruin their entire lives to have sex for money. Their parents would never find out, they wouldn’t have to do weird bondage sex acts, they wouldn’t be remembered for the rest of their lives as hookers. They would also make more money.

Porno as both a substitute for prostitution and a chronic addiction is a sign of the bizarre Baudrillardian crisis our society is undergoing.

The solution is to restore the natural order of things. To do this, we are going to need to do something about these Jews.

This documentary currently isn’t available on a certain Pirate ship I sometimes board, but when it is I might write a review.

Additional Note on Hooking:

I wanted to add, on the topic of prostitution, that this has existed all throughout history until feminists banned it and was generally considered a necessary evil which kept society from pathologizing sex.

Saint Augustine said: “If you expel prostitution from society, you will unsettle everything on account of lusts.”

Augustine was obviously not pro-hooker, he was simply an extremely intelligent and insightful man who was capable of considering propositions according to potential outcomes.

His prediction has obviously come to pass, as we have a society that is completely obsessed with sex.  Where it used to be in back alleys for lonely or horny men late at night, it is on the TV non-stop, it is on billboards covering everything we see, it is a non-stop compulsive obsession for the people as a whole.

The church itself never argued for it to be banned until it became a public health hazard because of various STD outbreaks.  Instead, they endorsed several hooker saints, including Mary Magdalene, and encouraged prostitutes to repent (which they generally did before age thirty).

It is only in the last hundred years it has been banned across the Western world.

There are clearly women who want to be hookers, as you can see in the above clip.  The reason feminists want it banned is precisely because it gives them power to have a complete monopoly on sex.  So they can use it as a weapon against men.  Pornography is a weaponization of sex, and so is the way women award sex to men in the way a pre-school teacher awards stars to children – for good behavior.

When you see the feminist/porno culture we live in, you are seeing the effects of the banning of hookers.  Distasteful as it is, prostitution is a necessary social evil.