Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2013

The University of Colorado in Boulder is embarrassed over a film which records students binge-drinking, smoking pot, acting like sex degenerates, with several girls making out with each other.
Regrettably, this is the exact same thing that goes on at every university in America, as it is systematically encouraged not only by the Jewish media, but also by the university establishment itself. If you have a daughter and you send her to an American university, you are basically paying for her to have sex with hundreds of men, while staying constantly drunk.
Universities have had to drastically lower educational standards to ensure that they get rich off of the insane costs of tuition – if they were kicking people out for being so drunk and high all the time that they can’t even form proper sentences, they wouldn’t have any enrollees.

The school is trying to have the video removed from the internet, as they feel it reflects badly on them. But it doesn’t, really. It reflects badly on our nation and race. The fact that youth behaves this way is merely a symptom of the disease that is the Jewification of our entire society, from top to bottom.

Why would anyone suspect that this wouldn’t be happening, after religion has been destroyed and the entire culture has made the collective decision to value physical enjoyment over all else?
Rome is burning, White man. But from the blood and ashes, we will rise, and reforge this world, which has become weak as slime and pig-fat, in iron and steel.