Americans Prefer Vladimir Putin to Hillary (And Trump)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2016

The US propaganda campaign against Russia has been a complete and utter failure.

Far from being hated – which is the goal of both the left and the right establishment in America – Putin is better liked than the nominees of both parties.

Only 38% of Americans have a “very negative” view of Putin.

This is according to a Wall Street Journal and NBC News poll. The media is framing it as “wow, people really hate the Presidential candidates,” but the real spin should be “wow, people really like Russia.”

The anti-Russian propaganda campaign has been at least as confusing as the anti-Trump propaganda campaign.

On the left, they’ve tried to paint Putin as anti-gay and anti-woman’s rights, while at the same time openly championing Saudi Arabia as a great ally.

On the right, they’ve tried to portray Putin as “the New Stalin,” while being incapable of explaining why Russia is the most Christian White country in the world, and the only White country which isn’t allowing mass Islamic immigration.

The result has been a confused mess, where the people are left thinking “wait, why are we supposed to hate Russia again? I missed that.”

The establishment insists that Russia is enemy number one, and we must wage a war against them to save ISIS and the gays and freedom and democracy… or whatever. But no one is buying it.

I also want to note that Trump’s “negative” rating is mainly the result of non-White opinion, and it is dropping rapidly.

Still, it might not hurt for Trump to consider taking on Vladimir Putin as his VP candidate. After all, there is nothing in the Constitution that says someone can’t be President of Russia and Vice President of America at the same time.