Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

The biggest problem is not literally “the government,” but in fact it is “the Jews.” But by saying “the government,” Americans are basically saying “the Jews,” as “the government” is now just a euphemism for “the Jews.”
Americans continue to name the government (18%) as the most important U.S. problem, a distinction it has had for the past four months. Americans’ mentions of the economy as the top problem (11%) dropped this month, leaving it tied with jobs (10%) for second place.
Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, the economy and unemployment have been the dominant problems listed by Americans for more than a year.
The latest results are from a March 5-8 Gallup poll of 1,025 American adults.
While the ranking of the top two problems is similar to what Gallup found in February, mentions of the economy dropped from 16% to the current 11%. In a separate measure, Americans’ confidence in the economy had been dipping further into negative territory in late February and early March, but has been improving in recent days.
“The economy” is also a euphemism for “the Jews,” given that the entire economy is controlled by Jews. And unemployment is an aspect of the economy.
America only has one problem, and that is Jews.
Well, the accelerating rate of technology is also a problem, which we don’t really go into much here on the Daily Stormer because it is so complicated. But with that, the direction in which technology is developing is determined by consumerism, which is an invention of Jews. If it were not for Jews, technology and all other problems could be dealt with by adult White men, and solutions could be reached. One of the main things the Jews do is take problems which appear naturally and stop them from being solved.