Amerifat Government Hijacks Nicolas Maduro’s Jet in Dominican Republic, Flies It to Florida


This is so gay.

The Guardian:

US authorities have seized Nicolás Maduro’s plane in an apparent escalation of pressure on the Venezuelan president, more than a month after his widely contested claim of victory in the country’s national elections.

US authorities confirmed on Monday they had seized Maduro’s jet in the Dominican Republic after determining it was allegedly purchased in violation of US sanctions. The plane, described by US officials as Venezuela’s equivalent to Air Force One, has been flown to Fort Lauderdale in Florida.

This morning, the justice department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13m [£10m] through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies,” the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, said in a statement.

Venezuela’s government said the plane’s “illegal” confiscation “cannot be considered anything apart from piracy”.

Caracas accused the US of using its economic and military power to intimidate and pressure countries such as the Dominican Republic into being “accomplices in its criminal acts”.

His name isn’t “Merrick Garland.”

It’s Garfinkel.

He’s Jewish.

Jewish, by the way. He’s Jewish.

Don’t these people have any shame?

Are they not considering how this looks? Hijacking a plane?


What’s next?

Are they going to release termites in his house?