Amsterdam: Palestinian Flagman Storms Jew Restaurant!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2017

RAW: Man with Palestinian flag smashes Jewish restaurant

RAW: A Man with a Palestinian flag smashes a Jewish restaurant's windows in Amsterdam, NetherlandsREAD MORE:

Posted by RT Play on Freitag, 8. Dezember 2017



A man with a Palestinian flag has smashed windows at a Jewish restaurant in Amsterdam and forced his way inside, local media reported. The incident has been caught on camera.

The video of the incident which emerged on local media, shows the man carrying a Palestinian flag hitting windows of the Glatt Kosher restaurant. The man then kicks his way through the front door and a few seconds later emerges with an Israeli flag, the footage shows.

Officers deployed pepper spray to arrest the suspect, who turned out to be a 29-year-old male residing in the Netherlands.

The incident took place in the Dutch capital on Wednesday morning, police confirmed, without providing any details about the suspect’s nationality. An “aggressive” man hit windows of a restaurant with a piece of wood, police said in a statement.

The man shouted “Palestine” and “Allahu Akbar” while smashing the restaurant’s windows, Amsterdam-based AT5 channel reported, citing a local witness. “I’ve never seen something like this before. Everyone is terrified,” the restaurant owner’s son told AT5, adding that the incident took place an hour before the restaurant’s opening.

The incident took place amid worldwide tensions over Washington’s Wednesday decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. Dutch police, however, didn’t link the Amsterdam incident to the recent tensions.

I just want to say: fuck Nazis white knighting for Palestinians. It is the dumbest, most dishonest-looking shit. None of you care about these sandniggers. If you do, check yourself.

Talking about Israel abusing the Palestinians is only useful insofar as you’re like “kikes are a bunch of unhinged baby killers who tell us we have to feed global niggerdom or we’re evil.” Something being good for Palestine only matters so much as it harms Jews.

Actually pretending to give a shit about the national sovereignty of Arabs in order to signal how moral you are is fagism.

You notice I don’t make these arguments about Assad? Because Assad actually fights kikes successfully!

Trump made an announcement that has no actual bearing on reality – a symbolic gesture – and it is resulting in Jews over the entire planet getting harassed.

Presumably, many of them will be killed because of this embassy decision.

So if you think this is President Trump helping Jews because he just loves Jews so much, check yourself.

Be an adult and ask what the actual consequences of this action are.

And explain this shit:

The entire Western kike establishment – including ZOG matriarch Feinstein – is condemning Trump for this move.

And of course, kike Feinstein SUPPORTED multiple bills calling for exactly this to happen.

So you can be Rush Limbaugh-tier and say “OH SHE JUST DOESN’T LIKE IT BECAUSE OF TRUMP” – or you can think that through for another minute.

Because this is the worst point possible in history he could have done this. ISIS is gone and all these Palestinians who were fighting for them (yes, dumbshit Sunnigger Palestinians all went and joined ISIS to fight FOR the Jews) are back in the West Bank.

Of course Bibi had to welcome this move, because he’s been asking for it for decades.

But this is like: some guy spends decades asking for you to light his cigarette and you wait to do it when he’s just accidentally poured gasoline all over himself.

I could give a fuck about the Palestinians. These people are only as valuable as they are good at killing Jews – and they’re not very fucking good at that now are they?

Maybe on an Intifada rampage with CIA-trained ISIS terrorists they’ll be a little bit better at it.

President Trump was elected to stop immigration and prevent a war with Russia – not to liberate shitnigger Palestine.

And he’s doing just what he said he was going to do.

Full stop.