Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2015

Following the Amtrak crash, Charles Johnson of Got News offered a reward of $4,000 to anyone able to provide the name and race of the crasher.
Though it turns out that it was a White, he was right in assuming that it was not a normal heterosexual White man. Instead it was a faggot activist who enjoyed posting pictures of his dick on the internet. has obtained the disturbing dick pics of #BrandonBostian, the engineer who killed at least 8 people in a horrific crash earlier this week.
Bostian has lawyered up and implausibly claimed that he has no memory of the events leading up to the crash. was the first to ID Bostian, a 32-year-old gay activist, as responsible for the crash in Philadelphia.
Politicians of both political parties (and our dumb media) have called for cutting or expanding Amtrak funding as if that would have prevented the accident in question.
But that robs Bostian of agency. He appears to have made the decisions that ultimately led to the deaths of 8 people and millions in damages.
His character is in question. It was his responsibility to get the train into the station safely, a duty he understood, according to his train postings. And yet according to most analyses, the train was going 106 miles per hour in a 50 mile per hour zone.
After a careful study of his social media we conclude that he is an exhibitionist who is interested in odd sex acts.
We’ve thankfully blocked out the actual dicks because we’re a family friendly website (sort of).
We’re publishing these photos because we believe the public has a right to know and because we think it’s important to always focus on the who of a story rather than whatever policy outcome.
I won’t post the photos. You can go view them if you, for whatever reason, wish to see them.
I too had assumed it was an affirmative action hire responsible for the crash, but I am less than surprised that it was a homo. These people are dangerous, and not only to children.
What we have done by embracing homosexuality as a society is collectively condone mental illness as acceptable, and thus allowed openly mentally ill persons to serve in crucial roles in society. If we had had a “schizophrenic rights” movement, we would have the same thing as we see here – mentally ill people behaving in insane ways that cause massive death.
These homos need to be out of the trains and back in the asylum for treatment.