Daily Stormer
May 4, 2015

This is incredible.
The German government needs to double its funding to states to 2 billion euros to help them cope with a surge of refugees, the regional finance minister in Bavaria, Markus Soeder, was quoted as telling Der Spiegel news magazine on Saturday.
Chancellor Angela Merkel and top government leaders are set to hold a crisis meeting with state officials in Berlin on May 8 as estimates show between 300,000-500,000 refugees arriving in Germany this year, double the number in 2014.
“The federal government has agreed to contribute a billion euros – it’s going to need to at least double that amount,” Soeder said, adding the states were struggling to cope with rising numbers.In the first quarter, the number of asylum seekers to Germany more than doubled to 85,394 and states estimate the total for 2015 could be four times as many as the 100,000 refugees who arrived in 2013. Many are fleeing wars and violence in Syria and Afghanistan.
Honestly, I don’t even know what to say right now.
All the words I have are less than enough.
Half a million third world brown people dumped on what was once the greatest country this would had ever seen.
So, just one word: