An Argument for #Exitaly Being the Official Name for Italian EU Exit

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2018

We did good in Italy yesterday.

Very, very good.


Italy’s voters have turned to right-wing and populist parties in an election that is set to leave the country with a hung parliament.

The Eurosceptic, anti-establishment Five Star Movement was the biggest party with almost a third of the vote.

But a coalition of the far-right League and centre-right of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is set to win most seats in the lower house of parliament.

Forming a government may now take weeks of negotiation and coalition-building.

One of the biggest winners was League leader Matteo Salvini who declared his party had the “right and duty” to govern at the head of a right-wing coalition.

Results showed the League conquering broad swathes of Italy’s north, while Five Star saw its strongest show of support in the south.

Latest results show Five Star garnering 32.3% of the vote, while the League received 17.6% of the vote and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia 14%.

The ruling centre left lost ground, with Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party (PD) securing only 18.9% of the vote. La Repubblica newspaper described its failure to win a fifth of the votes as a psychological blow.

Voter turnout was estimated at 73% on Monday morning, according to interior ministry figures.

This article isn’t going to break down all of those various factions, but here’s the basic thing:

  • Five Star Movement: Not racist necessarily, but anti-EU and anti-mass immigration. Calls for expulsion of all illegal immigrants.
  • League of the North: Basically white nationalist. But with a muddy position on the EU.
  • Forza: Equivalent to the GOP in a lot of ways, cucked but still rightish and ostensibly anti-immigrant.
  • PD: Pro-immigrant, but not insane leftist extremist. Recently promoted more conservative immigration policies to get their 19% in this election.

But basically, there officially is no more centrism in Italy. It is all a bunch of formerly fringe groups becoming the mainstream and pushing what was the mainstream – centrism has been the mainstream in every Western country since Hitler died – into the fringe.

And the driving factor behind that is IMMIGRATION.

Ain’t nobody likes a boat full of niggers.

Ain’t nobody likes an uppity niggerbitch lecturing you on how you need to serve her.

The great thing about Italy is that they don’t really have a left that has ever gained any traction. So there isn’t polarization like what you see in other countries with a far-left competing with a far-right. There is just the center trying to hold ground, and losing it to the right.

Everything is going in the correct direction these days, the world over. It’s sometimes hard to see that, because we’re being gaslit by Jews, and in response to the fact everything is going our way, the Jews are ratcheting up the pressure on us, which we see and feel more intensely than the slow victory.

But understand it: we are winning.

Yids Flipping Lids

The filthy Jew media is losing their shit.

The New York Times AKA the Jew York Times AKA the Kiketown Post-Gazette said:  “the results were not just a disconcerting measure of Italy’s mood but also a harbinger of the troubles that may yet lay ahead for Europe.”

The Hebrew people know that the world’s eyes are always on foreign elections these days because we are all dealing with the same kikery: most prominently, the immigration invasion, but also trannies, economic kikery, feminism and other weird shit Jews do.

Every country’s elections are now a huge international event, because we are looking to our sister nations to see how they deal with their issues. That is one of the reasons Trump’s election was so important – because despite the fact that europoors are always bitching about America, we are very solidly in the center of their thoughts and they always take cues from us. I have maintained that Donald Trump’s candidacy is a big part of what gave the British the courage to vote Brexit. And I think in Italy, it is the same thing.

We are all in the process of signaling to each other: “yes, it is okay. It is okay to be white, it is okay to have your country, it is okay to not want to be buried in the genetic waste of the entire planet.”

And that makes Jews nuts. They want to isolate the goyim, back them into their own corners, and attack them individually. They do not want an international goyim liberation front – and that is very clearly what is emerging.

But the Point Here, The Real Point Here

I do not believe that #Italexit is a good name, at all.

So I am pushing for a radical new approach to anti-EU portmanteaus: I think we need to go straight-up #Exitaly.

Not only does it sound better and roll straight off the tongue – unlike “Italexit,” which confusing to try to say – it also breaths freshness into the anti-EU portmanosphere. It is a new spin on an old tradition.

The time is now to switch up the game.

Words are powerful. Changing this portmanteau could be the clincher on getting Italy out of the EU, which will trigger an avalanche.