An Expose on Other Alex Jones-Style Kosher Approved Fake “Truth” Sites

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
October 28, 2014

Even though Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton no longer work for Alex Jones, they still won’t talk about Jewish power.

Along with Alex Jones, there is a group of people who run similar types of fake “truth” sites that also deserve to be trolled and exposed for the phony narratives that they push. None of these sites will dare mention anything about Jewish power and they distract people with an endless amount of rubbish, misdirection and false propaganda.  Like Jones, it seems as if these people will do everything they can to not talk about Jews.  It doesn’t matter that Jews dominate the most powerful institutions in the West, it is obviously a subject none of these people are interested in talking about.

They prefer to have endless discussions about weird fantasies, speculative information and bizarre conspiracies.  Some of them even make claims that there are all of these shadowy people out to get them because they operate a “truth” site.  I can’t say for sure if these people are all operatives, naive or if they are just mentally ill [most likely in it for the shekels –Ed.].  For all we know it might be a combination of all these things.  Either way, none of these sites can be considered trustworthy because they refuse to state simple truths about the Jewish power structure.

Truthstream Media

This site was launched by former Alex Jones employees Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton after they apparently got sick of working for the obnoxious fat man.  The last straw may have been when Jones appeared to destroy the soul of Aaron Dykes which can be witnessed in this very disturbing video.

Their site basically pushes a carbon copy of the narrative pushed by the Jones operation.  They discuss typical “truth” topics like water fluoridation, chemtrails, vaccines, the Illuminati, false flags and vague globalist conspiracies.  Most importantly, they will never dare mention anything about Jewish power.

Federal Jack 

Sean Justice aka Popeye is the individual that runs this fake “truth” site.  It contains a download section consisting mostly of kosher approved “truth” material.  Clearly, he wants to be sure that his visitors will not learn anything about the Jewish power structure.  He came to prominence after he was brought on to the Alex Jones show claiming that the FBI paid a visit to his house early in the morning because of his “activism.”  He even claimed that the FBI tried to set him up as a terrorist for some unknown reason.  His story is questionable for a number of reasons.  For one, it seems very strange that the FBI would visit anyone’s house early in the morning just to ask them a few questions – if that’s all they wanted to do, wouldn’t they just visit him during normal business hours?

When someone questioned the validity of his story in the comments section of the YouTube clip, he proceeded to call them a “jerk off,” claiming that they were some sort of “fed troll.”  He also made use of other forms of profanity to express his displeasure that someone would question his credibility.

“Down The Rabbit Hole” is possibly one of the gayest sounding radio show names ever conceived.

Several years ago Popeye even claimed that an article I wrote was part of some COINTELPRO operation.  My article which exposed the Christian Zionist organization the Council for National Policy detailed how some people like Paul Craig Roberts and Larry Pratt who were linked to the CNP were also regular guests on the Jones show.  Apparently in Popeye’s mind, any criticism of Jones is COINTELPRO.

Popeye also does a radio show with the gay sounding name “Down The Rabbit Hole.”   In addition, it seems as if he maintains a close working relationship with Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton.  Melton previously came on to his show claiming that there was a strange conspiracy to spike her drinks at a bar.  I couldn’t get past the first ten minutes of the clip, but apparently she thinks there are people out to get her and Aaron for no specific reason.  It seems as if selling unnecessary and unwarranted paranoia is a staple of this operation.


This site is run by an individual named Shepard Ambellas.  He came to prominence after originally appearing on the Alex Jones show claiming to find some sort of mass grave site in Arizona.  It was inferred that this alleged mass grave was part of some weird military conspiracy possibly involving FEMA coffins and martial law.

Shepard Ambellas – another shill promoting kosher approved “truth” nonsense.

Like the other sites mentioned, this site promotes similar narratives with an apparent focus on martial law scenarios, false flag attacks and generalized fear-mongering.  The site uses the slogan “Civilian Intelligence Agency,” which is ironic because there appears to be no intelligence behind its day-to-day operations.

Ambellas has also produced a film with Jason Bermas, a vile individual who once said that anyone who thinks the Jews run the world should hang or electrocute themselves.

We Are Change

This site has been closely linked with Alex Jones for nearly a decade now. It is basically for an activist group that promotes the same kosher approved shill talking points you hear on the Jones broadcast.

In the mid 2000s when an increasing number of people were starting to question the official story of the 9/11 attacks, Jones put a great deal of energy in trying to centralize independent 9/11 truth groups into becoming chapters of We Are Change.  This made it easier for them to control the 9/11 truth narrative to ensure nothing about Jews or Israel were linked to the attacks.

The most prominent member of We Are Change has been Luke Rudkowski.  Rudkowski to this day refuses to mention anything about the Jewish power structure in his alleged activism.  Countless videos of him obnoxiously confronting different politicians and power brokers have done nothing to create any sort of change.  It may have made him a prominent face in the fake “truth” movement but that’s about all the change that We Are Change has achieved.

Luke Rudkowski has not done a single piece of activism exposing Jewish power. It should be obvious why.

What started out as a promising activist organization seems to have been run directly into the ground on purpose by Rudkowski.  There used to be several active We Are Change chapters, but those numbers have dwindled to the point where it is clearly an ineffectual and irrelevant organization.  Rudkowski should give up his fake truth activism and find himself a real job [perhaps as a pot dealer or rapper. -Ed.].

It’s Over

There are undoubtedly other fake “truth” sites that continue pushing the Jones narrative, but these are the major ones I could think of.  The good news is, there are a whole lot less than there used to be, as people are now very much on the Jew issue, and it is becoming impossible for these hoaxsters to continue running their scam operations.

These people should all be trolled and ridiculed for continuing their fake “truth” operations.  I can understand these people not talking about Jews all the time, but to willfully pretend like Jewish power doesn’t exist is ridiculous and unforgivable.

The readership of these sites is dwindling alongside the Jones network.  The faster we can permanently bury these kosher approved “truth” sites the stronger this growing anti-Jew movement will become.