About a century ago, the labor movement was conquered by Marxism and social democracy. The orthodox Left poisoned the workers with internationalism and cosmopolitanism. During those times, the only worthy adversaries of this development were the Anarchists under Mikhail Bakunin. Unfortunately even the Anarchists were absorbed by the internationalist bloc and stopped being any threat to Capitalism, making anarchists today the worst enemies of Nationalism.
Marx wrote that the proletariat doesn’t have a homeland or a nationality. Internationalist capitalists, like G. Maisonrouge of IBM also declare that the borders that divide the nations are meaningless, nationality isn’t important for the multinational corporations. Anyone, no matter their race, can become a consumer.
Capitalism and Marxism: Both are anti-national.
Bakunin underlined that Capitalism had the tendency to expand and dominate on a world scale and that the modern state, no matter how “red” it may be, it will also have this tendency to become “international”(State and Anarchism,1873). Marx saw this rising internationalization of Capitalism as another step towards the extinction of the national identities. However, instead of denouncing this development, he welcomes it as a step towards the “world government” (Communist Manifesto, 1848). What we face today is, in fact, the creation of a world capitalist government under the flag of the New World Order. To make this easier for the masses to swallow, it is accompanied by moralistic slogans like “world peace and democracy”. Every nation that steps out of line (e.g. Iraq, Syria) is punished by the UN/USA that act as if they are the planet’s police. We are already living under the regime of a de facto dictatorship.
The racially homogenous community was the original “Commune”.
Going against Marxism and Capitalism, Bakunin was a supporter of the racial community, the national organic whole. In 1848 in his “Appeal to the Slavs”, Bakunin requested the dissolution of the old empires that were “composed of various nations which had been all chained together by ruse“. The liberated Slavs would “stretch their free hands to all their brothers of the Slav race“. This national liberation would be the first step towards a “Universal Federation of European Republics“. Bakunin also requested the recognition of “the absolute right of each nation, each people, of each province, of each commune, to complete autonomy” within a federal Europe that would ensure peace, justice and freedom “between the different Peoples that form the European family“. In 1873, Bakunin warned his “Slav brothers” to not join the Marxist social democratic party because it wasn’t a “national party”. We see that the original idea of the commune was that of the national community (based on racial criteria as a matter of fact).
Seal of the Black Hand.
Nationalism and Anarchism were truly the most revolutionary and progressive ideas of the 19th century and contributed in the destruction of the old abnormal and artificial empires (like the Austro-Hungarian empire). This is the reason why in many articles of the 19th and the 20th century the terms “nationalist” and “anarchist” are very often interchangeable or even identical when they are directed towards specific people. For example, the Serbs of the Black Hand that assassinated Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 were called in the newspapers of the era sometimes as “Serbian anarchists” and sometimes as “Serbian nationalists”. Indeed the anarchists of the Black Hand fought for a free and independent “Great Serbia” that would be the home of every Serb. Another example is the Russian Civil War, where Bakunin’s “prophecies” were fulfilled when the Ukrainian anarchists fought against the Soviet Union imperialists in favor of national independence.
Flag of the Ukrainian anarchists.
This perception of anarchism conflicts with the anti-national dogmas of Capitalism and Marxism. Both those ideas fight against the national identities and traditions in favor of some artificial states and, in the end, the World Government. The homogenous racial community is a natural formation and doesn’t need to be controlled by such artificial dogmas. The current dreadful situation in Europe today is, in fact, the result of the current liberal system that adopted Marxist “humanism”.
Bakunin also rejected the economist interpretations of history and social relations offered by Marxism and Capitalism and adopted racialist dialectics. He says:
“To support his political program Marx developed a particular theory that is just the logical extension of the present system. He completely ignores a most important element in the historic development of humanity, that is, the temperament and particular character of each race and each people, a temperament and a character which are themselves the natural product of a multitude of ethnological, climatological, economic and historic causes but which exercise, even apart from and independent of the economic conditions of each country, a considerable influence on its destinies and even on the development of its economic forces.”
Golden Dawn puts the nation at the heart of all their policies.
The anarchists today have become the ultimate enemy of the nationalists. They have been subverted and their main goal is not to achieve something, but rather to stop us from achieving anything. They dedicate their efforts only to the destruction national identity. To them, racial communities are an anathema. All over the world they are always seen supporting Marxists and their parties. In Greece, the state works hard to outlaw the Golden Dawn and the anarchists do their piece by trying to terrorize us with murders and arsons. Which is to say they walk hand in hand and raise their fists again a mutual enemy. They have become the polar opposite of the Anarchists of the 19th century.
However nationalists today can learn from the ideas and practices of the original anarchists. Such formations are the forerunners of determined and successful Social Nationalist parties, including Golden Dawn.