Daily Stormer
December 24, 2014
![Yes, apparently there was a time when instead of getting raided, Scandinavia actually raided others. And these raids in fact improved your genes, rather than destroyed them forever.](/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/vikings-daily-stormer-1024x640.jpg)
British researchers from Aberdeen are going to dig in Spain in search of confirmation that Scandinavian Vikings once built a colony along the Northern coast of Spain.
Dr Irene Garcia Losquino, who is hoping to secure funding for the research, aims to undertake a comprehensive archaeological examination of possible Norse communities in Iberia after a number of stone Viking anchors were washed ashore in Galicia following a storm in March.
Dr Losquino, who works in Aberdeen University’s Centre for Scandinavian Studies, said despite the existing written accounts of Viking raids along the northern coast of Spain, so far there was no academically accepted evidence of Norsemen living there permanently.
“I don’t believe in fate but I had been writing about Galicia at the time of the storm, and when I read that these anchors had washed up I dropped everything and went to investigate for myself.
“While there we found what looked like the remains of a longphort, which was a kind of Viking building that was quickly made as a defensive base of operations when raiding,” she told Scottish daily newspaper, The Press and Journal.
The location of the possible longphort, or shore fortress, led Dr Losquino to believe that there would have been more permanent settlements close by, because Vikings would commonly only settle near a population nucleus or wealthy areas.
The area where the anchors were discovered is close to an old gold mine and religious settlements.
Dr Losquino explains that “Vikings made their mark on northern Spanish culture, people take part in three-day pilgrimages inland from the shore, which is what their ancestors would have to do to flee the raiding Viking hordes”.