And Now, A Message From Our Sponsor

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2017

After his confrontation with the kike media (above), our sponsor, Simon of Smerff Electrical in Melbourne, Australia, has asked that I print a statement from him regarding the incident.

Simon Hickey has some points he’d like to make clear up surrounding events of the 7th of June.


1. Friday 7 June Simon was at court on a totally unrleated matter. Simon was there accused of ‘offending Muslims’ because after the massacre of 100+ of our people in a Paris nightclub nearly two years ago, he calmly asked a couple Muslims why ‘they they always had to kill people and blow shit up’? Considering the events of Paris, it’s a perfectly legitimate question, one which reporters and police ask people daily. In response to this, police staged a dawn raid on Simon’s home on a Sunday morning, seized all my business equipment, all my phones, files diaries, then proceeded to go and interview all my customers who spent any money regularly, in an attempt to shut down my business, and smear me personally. Those police officers names are Christopher Gray of Pacific Pines, Gold Coast Australia, and officer Rebecca Kaye Tilse, Date of Birth 30 Dec 1978 of Springfield Queensland. There were other officers but these were the two that attempted to destroy Smerff’s business but failed. They have had nearly two years to present evidence to a court, but have failed to do so, instead just drawing it out as long as possible for intimidation and effect. We have no ‘speedy trial’ statute in Australia and the traitor police get away with anything and everything. The only law in Queensland is whatever the police or courts decide on the day.

2. The supergluing of the locks reported on Television against a Doctor’s surgery in Brisbane Queensland had nothing to do with the doctor’s ethnicity, but the fat cat lady receptionist who refused Simon service to see a doctor despite the surgery being empty, and Simon being in obvious need of medical attention. This woman refused Simon Service despite being very ill, because it was close to closing time. The medication Simon had been given earlier had no positive effects, but had made matters worse and Simon re-attended simply to find out if it was serious or needed further medical attention.

3. The events that Channel 9 alleged on air where I was charged with harassing another woman have since been dismissed, as the prosecutor refused to even take it to court, dismissing all charges before any charges were even read. These are the charges that Channel 7 went on air and accused me of three months previously. Harry Clarke again repeated the allegations on air and when told categorically that there were no charges, that the woman who had made them had since been charged with fraud and was being investigated by fair trading, he cut the whole lot out of the interview.

4. Simon stood and gave a 5 minute interview minimum at the conclusion of the court mention. We stood there, I rationally answered all of Harry’s questions, and asked him some of my own. The entire interview was cut from the story because Harry Clarke got to edit out all the parts where he had no answer, where he stated he ‘didn’t need any evidence’ for the Holocaust. He edited the part when I caught him stuttering and clutching at straws, at anything, and told him he really needed to research his interview matter more thoroughly

5. At the conclusion of this interview Clarke was told he had been given a statement and that was the end, but Harry Clarke and the two fat cameramen, plus some braindead Jewish slut, continued to follow Simon and harass, him attempting to provoke him into an angry outburt. Even waiting outside the restaurant where we had breakfast. Harry attended the scene in unmarked vehicles as we made attempts to identify his transport.

6. The whole incident that started the court hearings about the gluing of doors were a real estate agents false allegations about Simon Hickey. This real estate agent is named Jessica Vievers, of Ray White Rochedale, (07) 3059 8600, 16 Beverley ave Rochedale. This agent Jessica Vievers has since lost her Real Estate practising license after Simon submitted copies of leases and bank statements which proved Jessica Vievers committed fraud. She has since also been criminally charged by police with FRAUD and is on bail for this offence. We are unaware whether she has pleaded guilty or intends to fight it. To repeat. Then incident which channel 7 put Simon on Telly for a couple months back was nearly the exact opposite of reality. When the incident was investigated, Simon was exonerated and Jessica Vievers was charged.

7. The hearing coming up to discover how much punishment Simon should get for hurting Muslims’ feelings by asking them why they kill us has yet to conclude, but Simon is fighting the charges vigorously and intends to fight it all the way. The only prosecution witness is a former apprentice whom Simon fired for continual drug use affecting his performance. Brock Wells of Nicolis Court Beenleigh, was fired August 2016, caught with Ecstacy and marijuana. In January 2017. He made a deal and agreed to say anything Christpher Gray told him to in exchange for dropping all the drug charges. Brock finished employment with Smerff in August. Why not make the statement then? He waited six months to decide Simon was a scary person and he had to make a statement to assist the prosecution. The boy said anything to get his own charges dropped.

8. We will advise you of the outcome of the hearing but if you wish to come to court to show Harry Cockroach Clarke what you think of him. Please contact Smerff Electrical.

We will have complete footage next time which we will upload unedited to show how inept this Journalist Harry Clarke is. Simon literally shut him down every time during the 5 minute interview, and that’s why none of it was aired.

It’s time to take the fight to them.


The lesson here is: this is what happens to white men in a nation without free speech. The rule of law dissolves, as without an ability to speak out against corruption, there is no check on it.

You can contact Smerff for services or to help them by showing up at the next court hearing on the Smerff Electrical website.

I strongly urge all of our Australian readers to be there. Even if you’ve got to travel from Sydney. This is important.

Simon has been more than good to us with his funding of our operation. He is now the site’s biggest funder in the site’s history.

So support Daily Stormer by supporting him any way you can.

Even more important that supporting the Stormer, however, is supporting the cause. And Simon is a one man army – but he should be the leader of a Legion of Aryan warriors.

If you watch that video, you can tell there are bigger things in this man’s future than electrical work. Support him, get to know him, stand behind him.

Hail Victory.

Visit the Smerff site for more info!