Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015

Though I was reluctant to speak of it until I had secured another donation option, PayPal has officially banned me for life from using their services because they disagree with my belief system.
As the reader may be aware, the Daily Stormer was banned from using PayPal because it is a “hate site,” which violates the ToS of the Jewish company. In response to this banning, I created a new account, and set up a donation button on my personal site, Adventure Quest. I made it clear that these donations were not to fund the Daily Stormer’s “hate” agenda, but merely me as a private citizen and human artist.
PayPal, within three days, banned the new account and sent me an email stating that because of my belief system, I am banned for life from using their services.

“Customers who are permanently limited for violating the Acceptable Use Policy are barred from future use of PayPal and its services and are not permitted to open new or additional PayPal accounts,” said the internet monopoly, who apparently function as some type of Marxist morality police, causing suffering to those who dare question the official doctrine of the High Church of Social Justice.
So, for several weeks now, we have not been able to receive donations, except through the mail and on bitcoin, neither option one which too many people are keen to use.
Note: There is still a PayPal button in the sidebar because presently I am incapable of editing the sidebar. Same deal with the front page sometimes showing an older version of itself. I know this seems like a super-professional multimillion dollar operation, but it actually is just one Nazi with a laptop. Due to being ripped off by web developers (and presently lacking the money to pay them anyway), I have decided to do all of the work on the site myself and there a pretty sharp learning curve for someone with a rather limited background.
One would think that banning a person from using a service because of their belief system is a clear violation of civil rights legislation, but apparently PayPal is not concerned.
Because this site is based in America where we still have freedom of speech, the new agenda against me appears to be to shut us down by bankrupting us. The Jewish Internet Police AKA Anonymous are constantly trying to post comments, and recently posted one admitting that a shekels shoah is their plan, indicating they are behind the letter-writing campaign to have my PayPal shut down.
Due to increased traffic, the bill for the site this month was $1,100, and on top of this is the Cloudflare bill which is $200.

Without donations, this becomes a massive burden on me. I will keep going, because I do believe in what I am doing and will pay the entire bill myself if I have to, but I hope people will consider for the time being using Bitcoin or the mail to donate to the site.
I am going to contact the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which came out in support of our freedom of speech during the Luciana Berger crisis. The American Civil Liberties Union is probably too Jewish to provide me with any help, but I am planning on informing them of this situation as well.
There is really no way to spin what PayPal has done as anything other than a direct civil rights abuse.
I understand that people take issue with the civil rights laws themselves – I obviously do – but if PayPal is not allowed to deny service to people who are Black or gay or worship satan, it cannot be tolerated that they would be allowed to deny service to a White man who believes Whites have a right to exist. If I am doing something illegal, I should be prosecuted – what obligation does a private company have to judge my belief system?
They are not regulated as a bank is regulated even though they are obviously a bank, so they are apparently allowed to shut someone down for funding “hate,” but their decision to target me as an individual because of my race, religion and philosophical belief system simply couldn’t hold up in a United States Federal court.
As a side, it is extremely personally annoying to be without a PayPal account. I cannot automatically recharge my Skype credit and I do not have the ability to purchase Final Fantasy II for my phone without entering my credit card details into Google Play, which I don’t desire to do. It also makes purchasing needed goods through eBay or Amazon greatly more complicated.
This simply goes to show that they are indeed a de facto monopoly, in clear violation of the Sherman Act, and given this status, it seems that more stringent regulations should be placed on them.
But alas. If wishes were horses.
Support Us If You Can
By subscribing to the site and supporting us, you are supporting the spread of the information we promote here, ensuring that more and more people are exposed to it. You are also fighting against the evil Jews who desire so badly to shut us down, and have now gone to ridiculous lengths to do so. I have devoted my life to this cause, but I cannot do this alone.
As always, if you are short of cash, don’t worry or feel any bit of guilt. But if you have a bit of disposable income, and feel we are doing a worthwhile service for you as the reader and the world as a whole, please contribute.
And yes, there will eventually be a credit card donation option, though it appears PayPal is gone for good. But I don’t know how far off that is, because I’ve been having all sorts of problems working it out. If you really can’t be bothered with one of these options, I’ll understand waiting for the credit card donation option.
But for those who can be bothered:
This is the Bitcoin address:
You can easily sign up for an account that allows moving money into bitcoin or out of bitcoin into your bank account at There are other options of course, but I have heard that is the most beginner friendly with the easiest system of exchanging bitcoin with other currencies.
And this is the address for mail donations (cash, check, money order, whatever):
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
Internationals may not want to send cash, but international money order works, as would a check.
The site will be here until I’m dead whatever the case – even if the bill goes up to $10,000 a month and I have to sell a kidney to pay for it, I’ll be here every day for the rest of my life exposing the filthy Jew and his diabolical scheming.
But your support makes it all a lot easier.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin