Andrew Anglin Brutally Humiliates the Vile Slob Sargon of Akkad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2018

On Saturday night, I had a showdown with Sargon of Akkad, wherein he was brutally humiliated.

I have watched it now and can give comments on just how outrageous the WINNING was.

Firstly, there was clearly a problem with my mic – it was half as loud as Sargon’s. I asked Baked Alaska about that, and he says he kept adjusting my sound on his end and Sargon just kept turning up his own mic. After listening, I am 100% sure that Sargon was purposefully turning up his own mic so he could better interrupt and talk over me, and I agree that this succeeded in making me look weak. I never even would have imagined someone doing something like that. So there you go: the boy-scout Nazi unprepared for the wily ways of the anti-racist trickster.

The debate was supposed to be “do white people have a right to exist?” but Sargon came in claiming he didn’t want to have a debate and instead wanted to do Freudian analysis on me and find the secrets of my psychology (that really happened). I refused that game and he refused the debate, so we just had a largely incoherent argument for two hours.

I’m not going to claim that I functioned brilliantly in the capacity of a debater. But that was impossible. Firstly, I’m not trained in debating, it’s not something I’ve ever done at all, I’m used to having conversations with people who argue in good faith, rather than use bizarre and deranged evasion methods and audience manipulation techniques.

What I did do: I accomplished my goals.

Firstly, Sargon’s goal was to portray me as some kind of sadistic, psychopathic monster that just wants to slaughter a bunch of people. I successfully fended that off. And I presented myself as a reasonable and genuine person who wants to get at the truth and solve real world problems. He presented himself as a snakelike trickster, with zero care about truth or solving any problems.


Goal of Not Being a Monster: Accomplished. 

Next, I had the goal of getting him to say a bunch of things that will come back to haunt him.

Things he said:

  • He does not believe Hitler was a bad person and his biggest mistake was invading Russia.
  • He agrees with white nationalism as an ideal (just doesn’t think it is moral to remove people).
  • People who are not Nazis are cowards/you have to be brave to be a Nazi.
  • America’s Founding Fathers were Nazis.
  • “Germans are worse than niggers” (but he doesn’t collectivize).
  • His morality supports gang-rape and sex trafficking gangs.
  • It is horrible that my hometown was overrun by Somalians.
  • He believes I am personally oppressed by Jews and that Jews oppress other people also.

Goal of Getting Sargon to Say Things He’ll Regret: Accomplished.

I also wanted to demonstrate that Sargon is an asshole and a hoaxer with zero interest in truth and reality.

All I had to do that is say reasonable things and let him dance around. The entire stream was Sargon using dirty tricks, refusing to hold any position, constantly interrupting, changing the subject, etc.

Three times he brought up the Atlantic article about me, saying he wanted to psychoanalyze me. In the middle of an ideological debate. That is the sort of depths this fat slob is willing to sink to. He is unhinged.

He had no arguments other than that I was planning to slaughter people, and when I said I was not he just kept saying I needed to admit my plan to slaughter people. He asserted that the only way to get a white country is through mass slaughter, without ever explaining what that meant. He framed this as a logistical problem. Hence we had “the morality of logistics.”

I continually asserted that I was simply interested in making the moral case for the existence of white countries, and he would just say that he agreed with that but that it doesn’t matter now because there are already nonwhites in white countries and there is no way to get them out.

He also claimed that the existence of Thomas Sowell justifies the existence of billions of black people, none of which do anything productive. That is just an example of the kind of arguments he was using.

He was like a child, doing nothing but appealing to emotion and trying to confuse issues with gibberish.

Goal of Demonstrating that Sargon is a Lying Snake: Accomplished.

Lastly, I wanted to show that Sargon had no solutions.

That I did better than I could have imagined.

His overarching solution is to “promote British culture and be proud of it,” and that this will make Moslems stop forming rape-gangs. He also said that this will make Moslem immigrants want to leave the country.

Most hilariously, he said that he had a plan to defeat the SJWs – but it’s a secret! A secret plan!

Goal of Proving There is No “Sargon Plan”: Accomplished. 

Sargon Destroyed

He cannot recover from this.

All of the comments everywhere are negative. Even people who hate me are saying he made himself look like a tricky liar with no interest in truth. Even people who say I didn’t perform well are saying that.

I did perform well – insanely well – because I accomplished my goals.

As you saw, there was nothing to argue with Sargon about. His plan is just a 30 second thing about culture. He agrees with everything else. Watch the video and count how many times he starts into something and then I say something and he just agrees. It’s nuts.

So no, debating is not my thing. I had to do it in this case because I am the Alt-Right celebrity, and it was important to show the skeptic audience that regardless of media claims, I am not a sadistic lunatic. I am a writer, and it is well-known that good writers do not tend to be good orators.

Against all odds, I conquered, and the internet will never be the same.

Sargon is no longer a viable actor, both because his own people have lost confidence in him and because he said all that insane shit, including agreeing with me, the most hated racist, on everything other than logistics.

Hail Victory.