The David Duke Show: Andrew Anglin on the Breakdown of the Collective Jew Mind

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

June 9, 2016


I was on with David Duke this morning to discuss the recent flip-out of the Jews over people making fun of them on Twitter and elsewhere. We talked about the council the ADL has convened against weev and I, the (((echoes))) meme (which has now officially been added to the ADL hate database, btw) and Jonathan Weisman’s recent crybabying.

We point out that Jews aren’t nearly as smart as they think they are and that their neurosis causes them to act in irrational ways against their own interests (this is why they’ve always pushed it too far and gotten kicked out of so many countries).

The Jews are losing it. They are spiraling out of control.

We also talked about Donald Trump, in particular the Trump University case, which is being filed by a Jew and judged my a Mexican racial extremist La Raza activist.
