Andrew Anglin on Fash the Nation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2016


I was on Fash the Nation this morning with Jazzhands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram. The show is part of the line-up on The Right Stuff, one of my personal favorite sites.

It was a great time. We covered tons of issues, mainly the same stuff that’s on the front page of this site right now. Trump stuff.

I highly recommend it.

Note:I usually don’t recommend shows I appear on.

Extensive shownotes of Jazzhands McFeels follow.

TRS Radio – (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Jazzhands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram are joined this week by special guest, Andrew Anglin. We’re just days away from the next round of voting in the Republican primary and the future is bright for Donald Trump. As violent and disruptive protests derail his rallies in the Midwest, this deluge of liberal tears will invariably grease the skids for a good day at the polls on Tuesday. From hot-blooded mystery meat Honduran Michelle Fields’ failed attempt to derail the Trump train to Ted Cruz’s strangely and undeniable ties to Pentecostal Dominionism, we’ll take a look at the many happenings of the week as we take a look ahead at the general election. It’s all ahead on Fash the Nation.

00:00 Intro

2:00 The Red-Pilling of Andrew Anglin

27:00 Standard Trump Rallies

45:00 The Great White Enlightenment

57:00 Campaign Finance

1:05:00 The Europa Report – Written by Autolycus/Produced by Trent Holmgren

1:15:00 Hot-Blooded Honduran Michelle Fields

1:30:30 Cucking for Protesters

1:34:00 Ted Cruz: Closeted Pentecostal

1:51:00 March 15th: Super ‘Duper’ Tuesday

2:03:00 Dynamics of the General Election

–Bottom of the Stack–

2:15:00 Obama on Trump

2:18:00 Refugee Bills to Pay? Put It On My AMEX

2:26:00 SCOTUS Update

2:28:00 Joe’s Crab Shack Habbening

2:30:00 Outro – Ludwig van Bantzhoven: TrumpStep – The Dongina Monologues (Back to Univision Remix)

Text of the Europa Report

Ι am Autolycus and this is the Europa Report for the past week, Μarch 4th to March 11th bringing you the latest news on the Continent regarding the ‘’refugee’’ crisis and other political developments.

The current focus of the ‘’migrant crisis’’ is on the Balkan route to central Europe where the Bulgarian government has dispatched more than four hundred armed soldiers and police to help guard its border with Greece, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has announced.

The soldiers will be supported by armored vehicles and helicopters in patrolling the border, and were being sent to “block any further massive wave of refugees” from moving north from Greece.

Speaking of Greece, at least 90 percent of all the nonwhite invaders pouring into Europe are not “refugees” but “economic migrants,” the Greek Deputy Defense Minister, Dimitris Vitsas, has announced.

Speaking on Friday on the Greek TV channel ANT1’s program “Good Morning Greece,” Vitsas said that only “one in ten of those coming to Greece from Turkey are actually fleeing war and persecution.”

“If we consider Afghans as migrants, then 90 percent of these people are now economic migrants,” he said.

The Balkan countries have now for the past two weeks only officially allowed those claiming to be “Syrians” and “Iraqis” through their borders, and have stopped others.

However, the large number of fake Syrian and Iraq identity documents in circulation has made a mockery of this rule as well, as the border guards have no way of actually checking the veracity of documents then and there.

Moving on to the United Kingdom where ,apart from the non-white invasion threat from the Continent, the main issue at hand is the forthcoming referendum on the possible exit of Britain from the EU.

A bill to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights has been pushed back until after the referendum on European Union (EU) membership. Insiders are claiming that the government has put the brakes on over fears that the bill may benefit the Leave campaign.

The measure was a key pledge by the Conservatives in their last manifesto, helping to secure them victory at the ballot box last May against all predictions. But the bill designed to implement the measure has been drawn up by Justice Secretary Michael Gove and his junior minister Dominic Raab, both of whom are significant figures in the campaign to leave the EU.

Also, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Friday he felt voters would opt to stay in the European Union in a June 23 referendum but called on the “in” campaign to show more passion.

Blair, who served as Labour prime minister from 1997 to 2007, said he was concerned about the result of the referendum and cautioned Britain would face years of uncertainty if it left the world’s biggest trading bloc.

Moving on to Germany where the government has set up an explicitly-illustrated website dedicated exclusively to promoting interracial sex between the nonwhite “refugees” and Europeans.

The new website, called “Zanzu—My body in words and images”—was set up by the Ministry of Health’s Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (“Federal Center for Health Education,” BZgA) in cooperation with a Belgian-government funded “Expertise Center for Sexual Health” called Sensoa.

In its introductory video, the website specifically says that its purpose is to give “advice on sex and sexuality for migrants who have not been living long in Germany.”

Divided into six main “themes,” the website uses sexually explicit drawings designed to portray interracial sex as often as possible.

In addition, the website also promotes homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and “transgenderism.” The website has been prepared in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, and nine European languages, but the contents of the site and the subjects discussed makes it clear that it is aimed at nonwhites from the Third World.

Also, the rate of nonwhite invader sex attacks on girls and children at the public swimming pool in Norderstdet, Schleswig-Holstein, is now so high that the authorities have instituted sex-segregated swimming times.

According to a report in Die Welt, men and teenage boys will be banned from using the waterslides at certain times when only women, girls, and very young boys will be allowed access.

It follows the confirmation earlier this week that police had arrested two nonwhite invader “asylum seekers” from Afghanistan for a sex attack on two girls on the slides at the Arriba waterpark and swimming pool in Norderstedt.

In stark opposition to the official line of the government, political parties such as AfD and NPD are gaining electoral ground.

The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) has gatecrashed local elections on March 7th in the state of Hesse, polling 14.2 percent in Büdingen, 17.3 percent in Leun, 10 percent in Wetzar, and 12.3 percent in Altenstadt.

In the small suburb of Michelau, Büdingen, the NPD actually came first, polling 31 percent of the vote, and in the Wetzlar suburb of Dalheim, the NPD polled 20 percent of the vote.

Moreover the same party has called for its supporters to rally behind the Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) candidates in the March 13 state elections in order not to split the anti-invasion vote.

Making the announcement today at a press conference in Berlin, NPD leader Frank Franz said that “despite the political and substantive differences between the NPD and the AFD, we recognize that it is now not about parties, but about the future of Germany.

By the way, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has been expelled from the EU Parliament’s European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group because of its newly-formed “Blue Alliance” with the Austrian Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (Freedom Party of Austria, FPÖ).

The ECR’s main members are the British Conservative Party, Conservative Party, Richard Sulik’s Slovakian Freedom and Solidarity party, Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS), the Danish People’s Party, and the Finns Party (previously known as the True Finns), amongst others.

Nationalism is on the rise in Slovakia as well.

In the March 5 general elections in Slovakia, both the hardline nationalists of the SNS (Slovenská národná strana, or Slovak National Party) and the ĽSNS (Ľudová strana—Naše Slovensko or People’s Party—Our Slovakia), more than doubled their votes compared to the 2012 parliamentary elections.

The SNS, a nationalist party aligned with the French Front National of Marine Le Pen, now has 8.6 percent (up from 4.5 percent) and has fourth place with fifteen seats in Parliament.

On the flip side, the only major political party in Slovakia to have supported the current nonwhite “refugee” invasion of Europe—the Krestanskodemokratické hnutie (Christian Democratic Movement, KDH) has been swept from parliament in that country’s elections, losing all sixteen of its seats.

As expected, current Prime Minister Robert Fico’s center-left Smer–sociálna demokracia (Direction–Social Democracy, or Smer-SD) party came first in the polls, obtaining 28.3 percent of the vote and forty-nine seats. This was however a big drop for that party, which lost thirty-four seats in the 150-seat parliament.

Hungary continues its nationalist awakening as the Hungarian government has declared a state of emergency to cope with a renewed wave of nonwhite invaders forcing their way into that country following the de facto closing of the “Balkans route.”

Minister Sandor Pinter justified the move after Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia announced that they would only allow access to “refugees” who have “valid papers and visas.”

The state of emergency gives greater powers to the police and extends their abilities to make identity checks. The last time the Hungarian government declared a state of emergency was in September 2015, but then it was applicable only to the border districts, and not the entire country.

Lastly, it has published legislation designed to make that country as unattractive as possible for nonwhite invaders—including a move to reject all “integration measures.”

The law will cut cash subsidies for “asylum seekers,” drastically reduce the individual space they are allocated in detention centers to the same size that prison inmates have, and “eliminate their assistance in assimilating into society.”

Other measures in the law, which will go into effect on April 1, include reducing the time an asylum seeker can remain in a detention center from two months to one, reducing an asylum seeker’s eligibility for state healthcare from one year to six months, and revoking their monthly payment of HUF 7,125 (US$25).

That was it for this week, goys!