Andrew Anglin on Stormfront Radio

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

March 21, 2015

The analogy for my first meeting with Don Black, President of White Nationalism.
The analogy for my first meeting with Don Black, President of White Nationalism.

I am pleased to report that I appeared on Stormfront Radio with legendary Don Black on Thursday morning.  It was a great experience, and very symbolic, showing solidarity between the founders of the modern White Nationalist ideology and we young people who are now trying to live up to the achievements of the older generation.

I want to personal thank Don Black for giving me this opportunity.  It was a fantastic honor.

Stormfront wrote up their own great description of the show, with all of my best quotes:

Andrew is 30 now and he recounts his steps, beginning with his interest in conspiracy sites: “The conspiracy movement sort of moved in the direction of, first, anti-Jew sentiment, and then into a pro-White sentiment. Particularly this happened on 4chan. The whole stuff about the Jews was originally sort of a joke, ‘The Jews did it,’ probably mostly to make fun of Stormfront. ‘The Jews did this or the Jews did that,’ and eventually people started realizing, oh yeah, this actually seems to be true, that the Jews did all this stuff. People started to notice the authors on news articles that were promoting homosexuality, or immigration, or this stuff with the Black rioting, whatever, and then you start seeing [that there are] Jews everywhere.”

Andrew discusses the social justice warriors and their success over the last 60 years in fastening on us the cultural Marxism of the Frankfort School:

“The core concept of Marxism is a war with the natural order, and the main way this war is waged is through this concept of ‘equality,’ which is about bringing down the higher life forms to the level of the lower life forms, because you cannot ever bring a lower being up to the level of a higher being. If you want ‘equality,’ the only thing you can do is bring down people who are superior to the level of the inferior, and this is why the attacks are all on White heterosexual men.

“The feminists, the Blacks, the immigrants, various types of sexual deviants, and it’s that these people should have all these special rights and abilities and privileges over White males, and that’s the basic bottom-line ideology of these people, and it’s just about destroying society; it’s all controlled by Jews.”

Andrew thinks that the social justice warriors have gone so far that their anti-whitism is waking up young Whites.

Andrew has also had concerns about technology leading us in directions that are untenable, which he covers in his response to criticism following an SPLC article about him. When he was 25 he lived with a stone age tribe in the jungle in Asia for over a year, and that’s when he started thinking about race.

“My goal with the Daily Stormer has always been to appeal to the largest number of people possible. What I would like to model my media operation off of is Vice. I think these guys have laid out a model of progression from the written media into the video…they have a media empire. In ten years I’d like to have people going around and filming things in different places, reporters like Vice has.”

Hour 1


Hour 2
