Andrew Anglin’s Elaborate Thoughts on the ISIS Crisis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 15, 2014

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him." -Revelation 6:8
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” -Revelation 6:8

As we wait with bated breath for the conquest of Baghdad by the bloody forces of Ultimate Justice, ISIS, I have some further thoughts to add.

There has been a lot rolling around in my head.  I’m just going to let it all out.  Make of it what you will.

I have no inside information.

It doesn't matter who we are.  What matters is our plan.
It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our plan.

Regarding Conspiracy Theories

As always seems to be the case in America (this doesn’t really happen in any other country, save the UK), there have been a slew of conspiracy theories surrounding the ISIS blitzkrieg.

Firstly, those still stuck in the “it’s all divide and conquer” Alex Jones mode of thinking have chanted that.  That this is “divide and conquer.”  The reason that this does not make sense is that Iraq was already both divided and conquered.  It was a totally broken state, ruled by a sectarian government bent on oppressing non-Shia Muslims.  It had a ZOG puppet government, completely servile to the ZOG of the USA.

Alex Jones and the rest of the “it’s all fake” crowd have jumped all over the fact that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had been captured and released by the US government.  What they are not mentioning is that basically everyone who fought the US government and the traitor ZOG Iraqi forces had at some point been in custody, as had a bunch of other people who hadn’t even fought at all.  It means absolutely nothing that he had been in custody, it wouldn’t make very much sense if he hadn’t been, and while in custody, he could well have been developing his present mode of thinking.

The other seemingly logical argument is that they were funded by the West.  But all that means is that these people running governments in the West have no control over where this money and these weapons go, and we already knew that.  ISIS was able to channel the resources being poured in by the US to the terrorist organizations fighting Assad into their own agenda.  Clearly, they are very intelligent men, but I doubt you would even have to be that intelligent to do that.

Jones is a gimmick.  He says everything is a hoax.  People buy into it, even people you don’t know are buying into it, and they spread it like a zombie virus.  Take a step back, and consider things seriously.

Don't be kooky, guys.  Kookiness never leads to anything good.
Don’t be kooky, guys. Kookiness never leads to anything good.

The question here is: why would ZOG forces overthrow their own ZOG?  Just to make themselves look completely stupid and incapable?

Oh, but they maybe wanted to invade Iraq again – people are suggesting that.  Why would they want to invade again a country they had already conquered?  To make themselves look stupid?

The only line of reasoning that I have thus far been able entertain – I do entertain all of these theories – and not find completely silly is that this could be a move against Iran.  But even that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, as the situation has put Iran on the same side as the US.  There would also be much less expensive, complicated and dangerous ways to get rolling a war with Iran, if the government was seriously capable of arranging this type of operation, which I don’t tend to believe they are.

So, please, take it easy on the conspiracy stuff.  It just makes us look foolish, if not outright delusional. It is much, much simpler that this al-Baghdadi villain is a very smart guy, who was able to bring together a lot of other very smart guys, and pull off a brilliant tactical revolutionary operation.  There is no reason to believe that this is not exactly what is happening, unless you have already been programmed – as everyone who was ever involved in the conspiracy movement was, I had to work my way out of it too – to believe that there is some secret plan behind everything that happens, no matter what.

The End Game

Though no one knows, I am betting that ISIS does indeed take Baghdad.  The fact that they have already pulled off all they have pulled off indicates they thought this all through very, very well.  I don’t think they would move on Baghdad if they didn’t know they were going to get it, nor do I see how on earth the pitiful and pathetic Iraqi army, along with a couple hundred Iranian Guard and some US air-strikes, could possibly repel them.  It is also probable that the majority of the Sunni soldier will defect to ISIS at the very first opportunity, and I would not at all be surprised if this had already been coordinated by ISIS and various officials within the ZOG army (I would actually be a little bit surprised if it hadn’t been).

These guys are not playing a game.
These guys are not playing a game.

So, though they might be repelled, it appears very likely that they won’t be.

Let’s consider what will happen if they are not.

If ISIS takes Baghdad, this will be a sign to the entire Sunni world that the revolution has begun.  They will have recruits ready to be led in every country in the Middle East and North Africa.  This will include Jordan and the Palestinian territories, where the media claims they have already set up shop.  People presently fighting for the US-backed nonsense revolutions will flock to them.

This will lead to increased speculation among Muslims that al-Baghdadi is the “Mahdi,” the prophecied destroyer of the Jews, who was meant to be as brutal as ISIS is.

The mission then, obviously, will be to secure territory and resources – as much as possible, as quickly as possible – and keep the momentum toward Jerusalem, while the “international community” remains confused and watching grown men kick balls.

Again, this is all speculative, but I would wager that this is the plan.

They would have assassins already set up in Jerusalem, a series of well planned bombings, and a takedown move, followed by a quick invasion.  It would be basically like the Dark Knight Rises.

"The fire rises." -ISIS
“The fire rises.” -ISIS

And there is the possibility, I think, that these guys are that good.  Obviously, it would trigger a world war of some sort, as the West rushed in to save the Jews.

The Jews would probably start sending off nukes wildly, but by that point it would be too late.

The only way any of it could work is if they did it with brutal rapidness, making certain that the US was not able to send in a significant war machine in time to set up a defensive.

So, again.  Probably no chance this is going to happen.  But it is very interesting to think about.

What is Also Interesting to Think About is: What if They did Take Jerusalem?

What would then happen is that every single Muslim on the planet would be obliged to support them, fully.  That includes Shiites and all the rest.  Remember that one in every three people on the planet is a Muslim, and there are tens of millions of them in Europe.

If I saw an ISIS flag flying at al-Aqsa, my feelings would be very mixed.  But I think the joy would overwhelm all other feelings.
If I saw an ISIS flag flying at al-Aqsa, my feelings would be very mixed. But I think the joy would overwhelm all other feelings.

What would probably then happen is that they would declare a global Jihad, where all nations on the planet were forced to convert to Islam.

That could end in one of two ways: we would either be able to expel all Muslims from Europe, once and for all, and form new Fascist governments – because it would by that point be obvious to everyone that we need them – and the Muslims would be kept at bay in their territories, while we remain in ours.

We could also lose, and the whole world, save perhaps China and Russia (and maybe parts of South America, for the time being), would fall to Islam.  China and Russia would then be forced to nuke everything, but the Muslims would probably nuke them as well, as they would have complete control of all western governments and their arsenals.


This is all going to get interesting.  I will say again that I doubt any of what I just said is actually going to come to pass, and I am writing it more to share various thoughts that have been rattling around in my own brain over the last couple of days as I watch this thing unfold.

The final question I asked myself was: would I be willing to risk the entire existence of the White Race in order to have a shot at restoring the honor and glory of our people?

The answer, I found, was an emphatic yes.

Hail Victory.