Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2015
Following what was by far the biggest donation yet, “shopify,” the service I was paying to use for donations to me as a person (not as the Daily Stormer) has been shut down.

If they had waited merely a few hours, I would be $710 closer to paying the bills. It is almost as if they did this on purpose. Or maybe the big donation sent up a flag and they realized… no, there was nothing they could have realized. This is the result of these anti-fascists we have trying, trying, trying to silence our rights to free speech through complaints.
Meanwhile, the Jewish terrorist Malcolm “The Hammer” Harris, who openly advocates for rushing restaurants and bashing people’s heads in with hammers, is allowed to use both Shopify and PayPal for his The New Inquiry site. PayPal, again, allows terrorists to fund ISIS through their service, and presumably Shopify would not have an issue doing the same.
What a horrible standard this is. People who wish merely to share ideas are persecuted, while violent organizations of terror are allowed to function unmolested.
If you disagree with Shopify’s decision to shut down my personal “Adventure Quest” shop while advocating for and materially supporting terrorism, please email them at You can report the same concerns to PayPal here.
Though I am going to do my best to work something else out, for now, if anyone can, please use the following means to support the site.
Cash or a check can go to this address:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
We will continue to move forward, despite the setbacks.