Anjem Choudary Arrested at Last

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2014


One of the most well known Muslim preachers of hatred against White Christian civilization has finally been arrested in London.

Anjem Choudary has baited the British people for over 20 years now with his poisonous sermons designed to encourage Non-Whites to claim benefits, breed more Muslims and attack the White man any way they can.

There is a lot of suspicion that he works for the intelligence services, as he always seems to escape being arrested while his associates are all on most wanted lists.

It looks like the secret Police just couldn’t keep protecting him any longer, after he voiced his support for ISIS.


Anjem Choudary, the radical preacher, was one of nine men arrested today by Scotland Yard officers as part of an investigation into Islamist terrorism.

The men were arrested this morning on suspicion of being members of, or supporting, a banned organisation, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.

Al-Muhajiroun is understood to be the banned organisation in question, according to sources.

Anjem Choudary and eight other Muslims who actively hate White people were arrested earlier today.

Mr Choudary, 47, a lawyer, has established a reputation for being careful to stay on the right side of the law when he makes controversial comments about race relations and religion.

He has long-standing links with Omar Bakri Mohammed, the hate preacher who was involved in Al-Muhajiroun and another controversial group, Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Omar Bakri fled Britain in 2005 and was banned from returning by the then home secretary.

Scotland Yard refused to disclose further details of the new arrests or the exact nature of the new inquiry.

Mr Choudary was believed to have been detained an one of the 19 addresses targeted by police teams early this morning.

At about 5am he had sent out a series of Tweets in which he set out his opposition to air strikes on Islamic State (IS) and said the actions would be a “rallying call” for Muslims to support the group.

Neighbours living near Mr Choudary’s home in Walthamstow, east London, said there had been a flurry of police activity at the address last week, but no officers were seen there this morning – indicating he was detained elsewhere.

Derek Rayner, 70, a retired painter and decorator, said: “There was a lot of police activity last week and we haven’t seen him once. We saw him carrying boxes to his car. His house is being renovated so initially we thought that was why he was moving out boxes, but then the police came

“He has lived here for around two years. I didn’t agree with his views on Lee Rigby and the beheadings and we didn’t speak to him.

“He used to disappear for weeks on end, there were lots of comings and goings. He drives a Toyota people carrier and we have not seen it for a week.

“I hope he doesn’t come back to be honest. I just don’t want someone like that on my doorstep.”

The arrest operation, run by ‘SO15’, the Met’s Counter-Terrorism Command, was thought to have involved more than 100 officers in total.