Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2015

Ann Coulter, who recently went full-racist, has written an article denoucning the idiot GOP for focusing on the threat of Moslem terrorism while ignoring the slaughter of Americans by other forms of brown immigrant.
In the days leading up to July Fourth weekend, Americans were hysterically warned about an ISIS attack in the United States. Congressman Peter King, for example, somberly advised Fox News viewers that “this is the most concerned I’ve seen the FBI and Homeland Security” since 9/11.
And, once again, the weekend came and went without anyone in America being killed by ISIS, but a lot of people being killed by immigrants — legal, illegal, second generation and anchor babies. There’s no way to know exactly how many Americans were killed July Fourth weekend as a result of the country’s immigration policies, because the media don’t trust us with the truth.
She then lists off a portion of the crimes committed against Americans by non-Moslem brown people, and goes on to press the issue of race in our immigration policy.
Some of these crimes were committed by legal residents — even “citizens.” But without Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan’s 1982 anchor baby invention, the “Mexican mafia” would not be living in America, much less be “citizens.”
Just as America’s immigration policies began favoring people from cultures as different from ours as possible, we also began providing government assistance to any loser immigrants and refusing to deport the criminals.
There’s no question but that the only reason any of this week’s criminal immigrants are in America at all is because of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.
The Moslems in our country are of course a part of this brown invasion program formulated by ZOG, but they are not anything close to the biggest part, and the GOP uses the exaggerated threat of Moslems to cover up the much more extreme threat of these other brown people.
Coulter is doing a great service by making this a racial issue after so many limp-wristed faggots on the “right” had made it an issue of culture or legal status (“I’m for legal immigration”). It is a massive push in the right direction that she is willing to say that their legal status is irrelevant, and she is forcing the fake right to up their game.