Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs: “I Feel Like I’m Watching Dr. Strangelove”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2017

Ann Coulter appeared on Lou Dobbs last night and discussed the bizarre Syria situation.

More together than she was in her interview just following the attack, wherein she appeared very brokenhearted, she denounced the push for war, saying “I feel like I’m watching Dr. Strangelove.”

The two also noted that none of Trump’s other proposed policies appear to be materializing. Dobbs mentioned that John Kelly, the head of DHS, has effectively said that the Wall is a figure of speech.

“I did not know we had elected Jeb Bush President,” said Ann.

She noted that Trump acts like he’s got General Patton in his circle, but in actual fact these modern generals have to be approved by the modern Senate and Democrats find the ones promoting tranny bathrooms.

So, we’ve still got a little bit of the mainstream Trump movement on our side.

We’ve got Dobbs, Coulter and Carlson, at least.

I fear the rest are going to go full-on “get er done.”