Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2015
Anne Coulter, appearing on Sean Hannity yesterday, was amazing.
I know, I know – why am I supporting a woman?
Well, the fact is that many men say these things, and they can’t get on TV. You have to be from a protected group, or a billionaire, to criticize immigration using racial language and get on TV.
And she is the only one using racial language. Out of any of them. She says “it doesn’t matter if they’re citizens or not” which I am not aware of a single figure in the media having ever said.
No one can complain about this woman. I certainly cannot. She is showing that these things can be said, and thus paving the way for others to say these things.
At one point, she switches it up and starts talking about legal immigration, which is the main subject of her book, and connects it to the Chattanooga attack. She says: “why are these people here?”
And that is most certainly the question on everyone’s mind, we just have never had the opportunity to ask it. Donald and Anne are giving us the opportunity. We can now say things we could never say before, and we can force the system to respond.
And they are responding with stutters.

They have attempted to jump all over this “John McCain is not a hero” remark, and the entire media is openly lying about what he said. He said “he’s not a hero,” and then his next words were a correction, “he is a hero.”
The Jew media machine – just look at this Washington Post article – and all of these Jewpublican snakes, are claiming he said “he’s not a hero,” which was obviously just a verbal slip, immediately corrected with the next words which came out of his mouth. He then repeatedly said “he is a hero.”
Note how many of these have Jewish authors:
The way they are twisting this is proof positive of a massive conspiracy against Donald Trump, proof that the Jews and the Republican party want anything other than a discussion of immigration to be allowed amongst the goyim.
They were doing very, very well pressing the idea that it is all inevitable, that complaining about it is like complaining about a thunderstorm or an earthquake. That spell is now broken and cannot be put back in the bottle – the mixed metaphor cannot be reconciled.