Anonymous Group Vows to Silence All Criticism of the Government, Cause Poor People to be Murdered

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2014

The new face of Anonymous
The new face of Anonymous

A long time ago, Anonymous was about the lols.  Then, for a brief period, they became about defending freedom of speech and helping the disenfranchised.  Regrettably, a new form of Anonymous has emerged recently which has vowed to aggressively crush any form of speech which questions the government and mainstream media, and actively attempt to cause poor people to be murdered.

Bizarre as it may seem, a group which calls itself “Anonymous” is on a campaign to silence anyone and everyone who voices an opinion which goes against that given by the political authorities and the establishment media.  They are actively attempting to shut down any website – including this one – which dares to offer an alternative worldview or insight into current events or questions the mainstream narrative in any way.

Perhaps even more bizarrely, they are also attempting to stop citizen groups which have planned to stop poor people from being murdered, thus clearly stating that they want to enable the murder of the poor.

This same group attacked our website here months ago, and one of the members was posting in the comments section about his plan to shut down our speech because we disagree with the government and mainstream media.  When he was confronted about why he was attempting to silence our free speech, he said nothing and simply continued with the attacks.

Along with running script kiddie scripts on multiple alternative websites which dare to question the narrative fed to us by the media and government, the group recently attacked the Missouri Ku Klux Klan for saying that they would defend the lives of citizens if Blacks tried to murder them.  This group literally stated that the KKK has no right to keep poor and helpless people from being murdered, and that they will do everything in their capacity to see that these potential murders happen.

Not anymore they don't.  Nowadays they locate anyone on the internet critical of Jews and attempt to shut down their speech.
Not anymore they don’t. Nowadays they locate anyone on the internet critical of Jews and attempt to shut down their speech.

This is the surreal new reality that we live in.  With the consolidation of all relevant power under a single system, groups which claim to be “counter culture” are in fact agents of this system, intent on using oppressive means to defend the positions of the government itself.

When they shut down the KKK Twitter, as part of an admitted plan to prevent the organization from preventing murders of defenseless people, they literally had the nerve to release a statement claiming that they “stand for freedom.”  What type of freedom is it that they stand for then?  As far as I am aware, all of their activism is aimed at shutting down the speech of those who disagree with the government and mainstream media.  I am not familiar with any other form of “hacktivism” that they have engaged in.

All that the KKK said was that they would act within the law to defend the defenseless if they were attacked.  Their statement was quite clear.

Does not seem to be threatening anyone…

Yet this Anonymous group lied about the statement, claiming that the KKK was threatening to murder peaceful protesters.  What is the point of lying about these people, spreading obvious disinformation?  How does that work toward freedom?

How can a group which has the main purpose of shutting down speech, with the secondary purpose of causing innocent people to be murdered, claim to “stand for freedom”?  What is it even supposed to mean?

This group is openly trying to destroy freedom, and they need to be called out on it.

Many have suggested that this is a Jewish group, or a group directly run by the Obama administration through Eric Holder’s Justice Department.  This is probably the simplest explanation, as it is virtually impossible to believe that anyone could be so honestly stupid as to believe that by trying to silence criticism of the government and mainstream media and enable the murder of defenseless people they were fighting for freedom.

However, whether or not this is run by Jews or the government or it is actually people so stupid as this, the solution is to show those who are involved in these circles that this particular group is actively trying to destroy freedom and that their purpose in attempting to destroy freedom can only be to support the oppressive and murderous US government and the lying mainstream establishment media.

The problem that this Anonymous group will no doubt face is that the Western Jewish establishment has been so overwhelmingly successful in pushing their various agendas, it is difficult to identify places where they require any assistance in stripping oppressed people of their remaining freedoms.

After “#opKKK,” maybe they can launch an “#opIRAN” to push for a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Israel’s Persian foe.  Or maybe an “#opGAZA” to help send money to Israel to buy bombs to murder Palestinian babies, while ddosing any website which questions their right to do so.

Helping Israel finish off Palestine seems a perfect goal in line with the value system of the new Anonymous.
Helping Israel finish off Palestine seems a perfect goal in line with the value system of the new Anonymous.