Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2014

Anonymous, an anti-free speech “hactivist” coalition that focuses on trying to shut down the websites of anyone who disagrees with the government and the Jew media, has for whatever reason decided to investigate the murder of Jessica Chambers, a race-mixing White teenager who was burned to death, apparently by Blacks, in a rural Mississippi local.
They have labelled the campaign “OperationJessicaC” and in their first tweets about the operation claimed they believe a “local gang” to be responsible for the brutal killing, which police have so far been incapable of solving.

Following the first Tweet, many Black Facebook accounts were hacked, and it was found that Jessica was dating at least one member of the “Black Squad” gang (ha?). They also found that the gas station where Jessica was last seen has a history of being a hotbed of gang activity.
The Tweets show violence, drugs and gang operations in Panola County, where the death by burning took place. They even found photos of gang members inside of the Panola county jail with drugs and cell phones, which seems to indicate heavy corruption within the local Black-run police department.
The Operation’s official Twitter account is here. Below are a few selected Tweets of interest.
I will also refer the reader to the extremely detailed investigation by The Conservative Treehouse, wherein the findings jibe with those of the Anonymous group.
What I find particularly telling is the relationship between the Black gang and the hadji gas station owner. As we have said continually, all of these subhumans are beginning to align themselves against the White race, and this case demonstrates this well.
Wait, I Thought These Anonymous Persons had Vowed to Shut Down All Free Speech on the Internet?
For those who don’t know, “Anonymous” is not actually a group, but a label which anyone on the internet can take on.
So clearly, this version of “Anonymous” investigating these apes is different than the one which engaged in the ddossing against the Daily Stormer and other sites which were questioning the government and Jewish media over the Michael Brown case. It may be that older members of Anonymous, who were hardcore racists, are getting back involved, using this label again to try and save the good name of a group which was founded on the principles of free speech but ended up becoming an organization specifically geared toward silencing speech.

It may also be – and I am not sure how far I am reaching here – that some of those involved noticed how completely insane it was when they were actively silencing us recently while at the same time saying “we are doing this for free speech,” and looked into our issues and are now attempting to atone for their sins of supporting the evil Black hordes.
Definitions of Anonymous can be found here.
Feeling Bad vs. She had It Coming
A lot of commenters here go to far on articles about girls who are screwing Black guys and get murdered. I do understand the sentiment, but she obviously has suffered enough, and so has her family, so I don’t really see any point in insulting her (or any of the others) for being killed.
Clearly, if she had not had problems she wouldn’t have been dating Black guys in the first place. The only White women who don’t have serious psychological problems (daddy issues) who date Blacks are the extremely fat ones. And obviously they too have problems or they wouldn’t be so fat, but that is a separate issue.

The core problem here is that we have a society which does not warn girls of the dangers involved with dating Blacks, let alone the higher spiritual and biological reasons for not doing so. And personally, I don’t think that it makes much sense to blame women for their actions.
Women tend to base their actions on response to environmental stimuli, due to their emotion-based psychological make-up, and so it is ultimately a man (her father or husband) that is responsible for the behavior of a woman. In many ways, blaming women for their own behavior is an endorsement of feminism in that it pre-supposes they are capable of making responsible decisions without the guidance of a man.
Women are good at a great many things, however, making decisions is not one of those things, and expecting them to do so is not reasonable.