Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 23, 2014

The pro-government, pro-Black and anti-free speech group Anonymous, who claim to be hackers but tend to just ddos websites which question the government, have declared that if the White rapper Iggy Azalea does not apologize to the Negress rapper Azealia Banks for mocking her on Twitter, they will release a sex video of her.
The Negress Banks has been attacking Azalea for I don’t know how long, apparently trying to get famous off the fact that her first name is the same as Iggy’s last name. She says Azalea is a dumb bitch for stealing Black culture, which is true but no one cares.
Except Gaynonymous, who cares about any Black with their feelings hurt.

The alleged hackers issued their threats from the Twitter account @TheAnonMessage, which has since been shut down. They called Azalea a “trashy bitch,” which is simply a basic statement of fact, and said the scandal would be “bigger than Bill Cosby’s.”
“MESSAGE: @IGGYAZALEA, you have exactly 48 hours from now to release a statement apologizing to @AzealiaBanks and the protesters in NYC,” the retards stated on Friday (more than 48 hours ago now).
“You are guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner’s death. @IGGYAZALEA,” the homos continued.
“There’s an X rated tape of you, we bet you’d certainly don’t want public, are we right? @IGGYAZALEA….and this is nothing. Comply or else.”

If these faggots actually believe in the cause of stirring up Blacks and making Whites suffer, they should go full Ismaaiyl Brinsley and start a war on the streets.
This new version of Anonymous has already been proven to be run by Jews, and have no relationship to the former version of Anonymous. It is virtually impossible that they actually have any sex videos, as they are not real hackers. Real hackers do not become involved in Social Justice causes, they have too high of IQs and are all White.
By threatening the release of a sex vid, they are clearly playing on the iCloud hack, but that was something done by actual hackers for the lols, not by whining SJW faggots for the anti-lols. Whatever your politics, Black feelings are fundamentally lols and so attempting to make them feel better is the definition of anti-lols.
Real hackers do things for the following reasons:
a) for the glory of the White race, or
b) because it is funny
Probably more often “b” than “a,” admittedly, but never to protect the childlike emotions of Blacks or to support the supposed right of Blacks to murder Whites on the street with impunity.
Anonymous was basically a flawed concept from the beginning, as it allowed anyone to take on this identity and use it for whatever purpose they wanted. One would have thought they could have kept to the idea of free speech, at the very least, as that would hopefully be something that both right and left can generally agree on, but this new Anonymous has made shutting down the speech of anyone who questions the Jewish mainstream media a main goal of their organization.