Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2017
This is becoming a daily event!
The Secret Service has cleared part of the White House grounds to investigate a suspicious bag after the man carrying it claimed to have a bomb, a Secret Service source tells Fox News.
The source said the man was outside the fence by the White House when he told officers he had a bomb in the bag. Officers apprehended the man, and are now inspecting the bag.
The agency said on Twitter that road closures are in effect and a security perimeter has been established.
This needs to be shut down.
We need automatic machine guns mounted on turrets with motion censors that just mow-down any commie filth that attempts to approach the White House.
Clearly, the Secret Service is failing, so it’s time to bring in the machines.
There has never been a man in the history of the world that more powerful people wanted dead than President Donald J. Trump – and yet, here we have random retarded being able to get up close enough to knock on the door of the White House!
It’s time for motion censor machine gun turrets, it’s time for robots, it’s time for drones.
We must keep our President safe!