William Martel
Daily Stormer
October 6, 2015

For the last week, the National Youth Front has been trying to raise funds in order to acquire an industrial printer (the Trigger Printer) so they can launch nation-wide flier campaigns against universities that are brainwashing our youth at a fraction of the cost. This would allow them to be able to print out more material and launch campaigns more frequently because they will have to use less and less of their donation money to do so. In other words, they would be able to save thousands of dollars while triggering the feels of Social Justice Whiners across the world 6 million times more efficiently.
Unfortunately, the enemy has been able to successfully shut down the crowdfunding campaigns, not once, but twice.
In their first attempt to raise shekels, they used GoFundMe, where in just 12 hours they raised over $600 before they were lamp-shaded. Their second company of choice was Indiegogo, where in just three days, they raised over $3600 dollars, going over their goal of $3500, until magically, their campaign was turned into soaped.
In both cases, the companies gave ambiguous explanations without saying exactly why they were shut down. Apparently, White people getting a printer is equivalent to hate, because it would lead to another Shoah. This comes as no surprise to us, since we here at the Daily Stormer have also been being lamp-shaded by Paypal and every other company without any explanation other than a vague reference to “terms of service violations.”
But here’s where it gets good. While Indiegogo has shut down NYF’s fundraiser, they allow a fundraiser for known cop-killing, Black Panther activist, Mumia Abu-Jamal, which has raised over 50 thousand dollars.
Who is Mumia you ask? Let’s take a look at his Wikipedia entry:
Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook April 24, 1954) is an American activist and journalist who was convicted and sentenced to death in 1982 for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.
Abu-Jamal became involved in black nationalism in his youth and was a member of the Black Panther Party until October 1970, after which he became a radio journalist, eventually becoming president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. On December 9, 1981, Faulkner was fatally shot while conducting a routine traffic stop of Abu-Jamal’s brother, William Cook. Abu-Jamal was found at the scene with a bullet wound from Faulkner’s gun and his own discharged revolver beside him. He was arrested and charged with Faulkner’s murder.
Prosecution witnesses identified Abu-Jamal as the shooter and two testified that he had confessed to shooting Faulkner. A jury convicted Abu-Jamal on all counts and sentenced him to death. He spent the next 30 years on death row. After a succession of all possible appeals by Abu-Jamal were exhausted, his conviction was upheld but his death sentence vacated. He was resentenced to life in prison without parole. District Attorney Seth Williams later stated that no further appeals would be filed in pursuit of the death penalty.
Activists, celebrities, and liberal groups have criticized the fairness of Abu-Jamal’s trial, professed his innocence, and opposed his death sentence. The Faulkner family, public authorities, police organizations, and conservative groups have maintained that Abu-Jamal’s trial was fair, his guilt undeniable, and his death sentence appropriate. Once described as “perhaps the world’s best known death-row inmate” by The New York Times, during his imprisonment Abu-Jamal has published books and commentaries on social and political issues, including Live from Death Row (1995)
So lets break it down again:
White people, trying to raise money to get a printer to peacefully protest against anti-white hate around campuses = Bad
Black Panther activist, who has actually killed someone, raising funds to stay alive in prison = Good.

Nathan Damigo, the Vice Chairman of the NYF, wrote an article addressing this situation.
From it:
Looks like our White privilege failed us again, Indeigogo just pulled a GFM (GoFundMe) on us after we raised the complete $3,500 for our trigger printer in three days. So much for that bunk conspiracy theory. Personally I hadn’t thought that National Youth Front had made enough noise for any of the anti-White organizations out there to even taken notice of our fundraising project and figured the whole thing would fly under the radar. I’ve never been happier to have been wrong. We are slowly learning just how much potential we actually have, and how afraid those in power are of the justice of our cause, which they themselves have made careers and fortunes out of our disenfranchisement and suppression.
The truth is, NYF has made enough noise, and these Jews will do whatever they can to shut them down.

However, the National Youth Front is not letting this stop them.
General Gage has posted a video addressing this situation and also gives you the final solution to this problem.
[Editor’s note: Gage contacted me about possibly promoting this a few days before it was shut down. I told him if it was posted on DS, it would be shut down immediately. Turns out, it doesn’t even matter – they are watching us all now. We need to start organizing a class action suit against the SPLC, as what they are doing is clearly illegal. -AA]