Another Bosnian Attacked by Black Filth in the St. Louis Area

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2014

Immortal advice
Immortal advice

In the wake of the tragic, racially motivated killing of Zemir Begic, another Bosnian has been attacked by savages in St. Louis, but this time it was a 26-year-old woman who fortunately was not killed.

St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said that based on the current information, “[the attack] has all the appearances of a hate crime,” for the woman told St. Louis police that before the attack the savages asked her if she was Bosnian. St. Louis police are also investigating it as a hate crime.

Here is information from the police, per CBS St. Louis:

Incident: Robbery 1st

Location: 4600 block of Lansdowne

Date/Time: 12/5/14 @ 05:25

Victim: 26-year old white female

Suspect(s): Three unknown black males, late teens-early 20s

The victim stated she was driving in the 4600 block of Lansdowne when three unknown suspects walked in front of her vehicle. When the victim attempted to drive around them, the suspects displayed a firearm and ordered her to stop her vehicle, to which she complied. One of the suspects then approached the driver’s side, produced an object, possibly a crowbar, and struck the windshield of her vehicle. The suspects then ordered the victim to exit her vehicle. The victim refused and one of the suspects pulled her out of the car. During this time, another suspect opened the passenger side door of the vehicle, went through the victim’s purse and stated that it was empty. One of the suspects then pushed the victim to the ground and kicked her. All three suspects then fled the scene. A passerby located the victim on the ground and contacted this department. EMS responded, however the victim refused further medical treatment and said she would respond to a hospital at a later time. As of now, officers are investigating this incident as a “bias crime” based on the victim’s account of the incident. The investigation is ongoing.