Daily Stormer
October 10, 2014

Well. This isn’t good.
St. Louis was already ground zero. Now… things are likely to get a lot hotter.
A St. Louis police officer, working a secondary job for a private security firm, shot and killed an eighteen-year-old male Wednesday while patrolling the Shaw Neighborhood.
According to police, the officer was in his police uniform, but working for Hi-Tech Security around 7:30 p.m. yesterday, when he drove past three young African American males in the 4100 block of Shaw Boulevard. Upon seeing the officer, the group began to run. St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters at a press conference last night that based on the way one of the men was running — “holding his waistband, not running at full stride” — the officer believed he had a gun.
The 32-year-old officer (and six-year veteran of the force) then followed that individual on foot through a gangway. Moments later, the officer and the suspect got into a “physical altercation,” according to Dotson, in which the teen lost his grey hoodie and the officer observed a gun.
The suspect then ran up a hill and turned to fire three shots at the officer and kept pulling the trigger but his gun jammed, according to police. Responding to those initial shots, the officer fired back, killing the suspect.The officer was uninjured, and police say he fired a total of seventeen shots in return.Relatives of the slain teen told reporters on the scene that the deceased’s name was Vonderitt Myers Jr. In his press conference hours later, Dotson said that the suspect was “no stranger to law enforcement.” Court records show that Myers faced a felony charge of unlawful use of a weapon stemming from a June 27 incident. Myers also faced a misdemeanor charge of resisting and/or interfering with an arrest for the same incident.