Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2015

What the hate-filled fascist supporters of Bane for President don’t grasp is that illegal immigration to the US is an act of love.
They are only looking for a better life.
Who the hell are you to judge? White people also can commit crimes.
A Mexican man living in the U.S. illegally had been stopped by Ohio authorities and released weeks before a crime spree in which he’s suspected that left one woman dead, officials said.
Juan Emmanuel Razo-Ramirez, 35, is accused of attempting to rape a 14-year-old girl, shooting a woman in the arm, killing another woman in her home, then getting in a shootout with police in Lake County, Ohio, on Monday.
Razo-Ramirez, who has no criminal record, had been stopped on July 7 by Lake County sheriff’s officials. They released him after speaking with federal immigration officials.
“As far as I can tell, and from what I heard him admit, he says he’s undocumented — he’s not legally in the United States,” Lake County Prosecuting Atty. Charles Coulson said in an interview Wednesday.
Painesville Municipal Judge Mike Cicconetti appeared furious at Tuesday’s arraignment. “He’s here illegally? And they didn’t take him? … I can’t set a bond high enough.” He set bond at $10 million.
Razo-Ramirez pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. More charges are expected to be filed.
Good on that Prosecutor for calling him “undocumented.”
“Illegal” is such a hateful term for a loving murder-rapist, who only wants a better life. Those who use the term seem to forget that Whites also commit crimes.
Razo-Ramirez had no apparent criminal record and the deputies could find no evidence he had committed a crime, Dunlap said, so they let him go instead of trying to hold him until immigration agents could interview him in person.
“We don’t just trump up charges on people so that we can hold them,” Dunlap said, adding that he didn’t buy into stereotypes about immigrants. “Here’s where I stand on this: All cops aren’t dumb dolts who shoot mentally ill people carrying knives, and not all Latinos are bad people.”
Perfect time to lecture the racists, Sheriff.
Seize any opportunity you get. If it happens to be in defense of a Mexican murderer, well, all the better.
Columbus-based immigration attorney Ken Robinson called officials’ handling of the July 7 stop “the new normal” for national immigration policy.
Since the Obama administration relaxed deportation policies for certain immigrants in November, Robinson said, “you’re really going to have a hard time getting deported” without committing a serious crime, an assertion disputed by the administration and immigrant rights advocates.
Officials say Razo-Ramirez’s crime spree began with the attempted rape of his 14-year-old niece in Concord, Ohio.
Then, officials said, he shot a 40-year-old woman on a bike path, wounding her in the arm, and fatally shot 60-year-old Margaret Kostelnik in her nearby home.
God Bless Freedom.