Another Kike Suing Trump Over Something or Other

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2018

The Jewish machine never sleeps.

Trust me on that one.

Or, actually, you don’t have to trust me, you can just look around you.

This article is written by Michael Isikoff, the Jew whose article was used alongside the pissgate dossier to get the FISA warrant on Trump (of course, the article itself was based on the pissgate dossier, as was later admitted and which the FBI admitted to knowing).

He’s still out there, every day, trying to kike the president.

Yahoo! News:

In what could presage a new legal headache for the Trump White House, the lawyer leading a suit against President Trump over his ownership of a Washington hotel says he is “confident” that a federal judge will require the Trump Organization to begin turning over evidence about the hotel’s internal operations — a key step that could reveal details about the president’s finances.

The suit charges that the president is profiting from foreign governments doing business with Trump International Hotel, in violation of the Constitution.

“I do believe there is going to be accountability for this,” said Norm Eisen, the chief of Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW), in an interview on the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery. “This is the first time in American history that a president has been brazen enough to take emoluments” — referring to the clause in the U.S. Constitution that bars presidents from taking foreign gifts or payments from foreign governments.

Eisen, who served as special counsel for ethics and government reform under President Obama, is the chief counsel in a lawsuit brought by the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia claiming that foreign governments doing business with Trump’s hotel in Washington violate the Emoluments Clause of the constitution. Lawyers for the president recently asked U.S. Judge Peter Messitte, who is presiding over the case, to toss the lawsuit on the grounds that the president can’t be sued in his personal or official capacity.

But Eisen, noting that Messitte has already allowed the case to proceed, said he fully expects another favorable ruling after a hearing in the case over the scope of the Emoluments Clause slated for June 11. “We are confident the judge is going to allow us to take discovery,” he said.

So, yet another Jew attack.

We call this “lawfare” – warfare by legal means.

It is an element of 4th generation warfare, and it is the one the Jews are best at.

I have some experience in this field.

I don’t know if this particular case will end up being a big deal or not – I suspect it will not be – but the Jewish program is “full spectrum kiking.” They are working ceaselessly to throw absolutely anything they can at this guy.