Another Massive Social Media Data Leak – 48 Million People Affected

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2018

This is so absurd.


A private data search service scraped several social media sites for user information, then left that data sitting in a publicly accessible repository without a password. Some 48 million people’s personal data was leaked.

LocalBlox, a data analytics company, describes on its website how it “automatically crawls, discovers, extracts, indexes, maps and augments data” from a variety of sources, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Zillow to build a “360 Degree people view,” that is then sold to marketers.

While the comprehensive range of data is scraped from publicly accessible sources, LocalBlox left a 1.2 terabyte file containing the personal data of 48 million individuals in an Amazon ‘storage bucket,’password unprotected and accessible to anyone.

Data contained in the leak included names, physical addresses, dates of birth, scraped LinkedIn job histories, public Facebook data, and Twitter handles. Somebody with access to this data could theoretically use it to commit fraud, identity theft, or to aid in a social engineering scam like phishing.

The leak was noticed by cybersecurity firm UpGuard, which notified LocalBlox. The storage bucket was secured later that day. UpGuard outlined the breach in a report published Wednesday.

I don’t know who ever thought their data was going to be safe on these services.

Actually, I do know: everyone thought it. And everyone thought it because everyone else thought it. That is basic human nature – to look around at other people, see what they are doing, assume that this is what you are supposed to be doing.

That is also what has caused the slut epidemic, the obesity epidemic, the general shitlib epidemic, and every other widespread social problem the West is experiencing.

It’s called “social proof,” and it really isn’t all that complicated.

The truly amazing thing about the social media situation is that the government never regulated it.

The government, generally, likes regulating things. It allows for budget expansions and bureaucrats love budget expansions.

But the tech industry was just so powerful that they were able to get away with avoiding regulation, even while they because the most influential force in human existence.

At least that jig is finally up.