Daily Slave
December 23, 2014
The protests against the Muslim invasion of Germany are growing larger and larger. The latest protest against Islam in Germany saw 17,000 people take to the streets in Dresden. The German mainstream political establishment has been caught a bit off guard by these developments and that’s a good thing.
A group of counter-demonstrators who believe in the stupid Holocaust hoax and other Marxist garbage also came out to voice their views. The good news is that their numbers paled in comparison. This is a good sign for Germany. Let’s hope they kick all of the Muslims out and then after they solve that problem they can tackle the Jewish problem. The Jews are the main reason why all of these Muslims are there in the first place any way.
A record 17,000 people have joined the latest in a string of demonstrations against Islam in Dresden, eastern Germany, celebrating the rise of their far-right populist movement by singing Christmas carols.
The march on Monday night was organised by Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West – a group that has grown rapidly since its first protest in October.
Politicians from all major parties have been stunned by the emergence of the right-wing nationalists who vent their anger against what they consider a broken immigration and asylum system.
About 4,500 counter-demonstrators marched through the city under the slogan “Dresden Nazi-free”, warning that there was no space for racism and xenophobia in the country that perpetrated the Holocaust.
Most Pegida followers insist they are not Nazis but patriots who worry about the “watering down” of their Christian-rooted culture and traditions. They often accuse mainstream political parties of betraying them and the media of lying.
These protests demonstrate that even in the oppressive and authoritarian system of democracy, there are things that people can do to incite change.