Another White Woman in Show Biz Claims Bill Cosby Drugged and Raped Her

Celebrity Yahoo
February 4, 2015

The older you become, the more you get the face you deserve. Cosby looks more like the hell-spawn devil-orc that he is every day.

Bill Cosby’s comedy tour continues, as do the standing ovations, but that hasn’t silenced his growing number of accusers. Another woman has come forward to share her story about being a victim of “America’s dad.”

Cindra Ladd, a former entertainment executive in the movie business and the wife of Blade Runner, Braveheart, and Chariots of Fireproducer Alan Ladd Jr., penned an essay detailing her alleged rape by Cosby, who she also claims drugged her, when she was a 21-year-old living in New York City in 1969.

Like many of the accusers, Ladd said Cosby, who was married to his wife Camille at the time, befriended her and was a “perfect gentleman,” she wrote on Huffington Post. One night when they were headed to a movie, she came down with a headache and when she considered canceling, he told her he had a “miracle cure his doctor gave him,” in the form of a capsule. When she questioned him about what it was, “He asked, ‘Don’t you trust me?’ Of course I did. This was Bill Cosby.”

Cindra Ladd joins a multitude of White women claiming they were raped by funny jungle-bunny Bill Cosby.

“For more than 45 years I have tried to recall exactly what happened that night,” Ladd wrote. “To this day it remains a blur. I have a vague recollection of feeling like I was floating while walking through Times Square and watching some kind of Japanese samurai movie with him. I don’t remember where the theater was nor very much of the evening.”

Cindra Ladd has come forward now she realises she was not the only White woman Cosby drugged and raped.

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