Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 2, 2016

Filthy anti-American terrorists have written an evil sky-message against Our Glorious Leader. It is totally gay.
Sky-writing is an amazing feat of modern technology. It should not be used in this fashion.
If the inventor of sky-writing was alive today, he would be rolling in his grave.
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump was message-bombed from on high during California’s annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade, as derogatory slogans such as “Trump is disgusting” appeared in the skies. Towards the end of the parade, which takes place every year in Pasadena, California, spectators craned their necks to see skywriters drawing out messages condemning the Republican presidential frontrunner.
Messages dotted in the sky said: “America is great. Trump is disgusting” and “Iowans dump Trump.”
Trump was warned that the messages would appear in the sky via Twitter ahead of time. No response has been issued yet by his campaign.
How are you supposed to respond to this? Can only think you would call these people “retards.” It isn’t cute or clever.