Anti-Apartheid Founder Died After Anti-Racist ‘Shove’ from Enraged Black Cyclist

May 9, 2014

After fighting against the White Germans for the Jews, Murray Wrobel took to fighting against the White South Africans for the Blacks and the Jews.

A pensioner who helped found the anti-apartheid movement died after he was knocked over in a row by a man who accused him of being racist, a court hears.

A Second World War veteran who helped found the Anti-Apartheid Movement died after being knocked to the ground by a man who accused him of making a racist remark, a court has heard.

Murray Wrobel, an intelligence linguist in a clandestine unit known as “Churchill’s Secret Army”, was 91 when he was shoved over by Marcus Jean after complaining that his bicycle was blocking a trolley rack outside a supermarket, it is alleged.

Jean, 31, is accused of hurling a tirade of abuse at the pensioner, telling him: “You and your kind should have been dead a long time ago.”

Mr Wrobel, whose German language skills led a secondment to the Special Operations Executive, needed hospital treatment after suffering a fractured hip in the incident in May 2012.

Kingston Crown Court heard his health deteriorated after the alleged attack and he died from a stroke in March last year aged 92.

During his fascinating military career, Mr Wrobel was trained in the use of plastic explosive, went undercover in a prisoner-of-war cage in enemy uniform and helped train German anti-Nazis to work behind enemy lines.

Murray Wrobel died after Marcus Jean ‘shoved’ him for being a racist.

After leaving the Army he helped start the Anti-Apartheid Movement, a British solidarity organisation which campaigned for an end to apartheid in South Africa, the court heard.

The former interrogator challenged Jean outside Tesco Express in Wimbledon, southwest London, and according to the prosecution, the defendant flew into a rage and was seen pushing the pensioner to the ground.

However, Jean claims he was the victim of a torrent of racial abuse from Mr Wrobel, who he said repeatedly poked him in the chest.

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The White victim was 91 years old.

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