Anti-Defamation League Jews Whine and Lie About Pro-White Literature in Seattle

Daily Slave
July 11, 2014

ADL head Abe Foxman is a bigoted Jewish supremacist and anti-gentile pig demon.

The Anti-Defamation League is whining again.  This time they are complaining about pro-White literature that was recently distributed in Seattle Washington.  The literature merely warns people about the on-going invasion of non-Whites into historically White nations as a means to destroy White European cultures.  It does not claim that White people are superior.

Despite this, the ADL just lies about it and claims that it is supremacist literature.  They of course go on to claim that the literature is “racist”.  So basically the Jews are saying that it is “racist” for not wanting White European cultures destroyed.

Have you had enough of these ADL Jews yet?  Considering all the lies and anti-White propaganda they have spread, every American Jew associated with the ADL should be put in prison for treason.

Hat tip to Renegade Broadcasting for this information.

From ADL:

Res­i­dents of the Capi­tol Hill neigh­bor­hood of Seat­tle recently found them­selves the recip­i­ents of a white suprema­cist lit­er­a­ture dis­tri­b­u­tion. Some­one had gone up and down streets in the area on June 30, plac­ing racist post­cards on the wind­shields of cars parked along the street.

The post­cards were designed to exploit gay pride events held in Seat­tle the pre­vi­ous week­end, includ­ing the 40th annual Seat­tle Pride Parade and Seat­tle Pride­Fest 2014, the lat­ter held only a few blocks from where the post­cards were dis­trib­uted. The post­card fronts fea­tured a rain­bow image, the word “Seat­tle,” and the phrases “Rain­bow Pride” and “40 YEARS of fab­u­lous,” the lat­ter a ref­er­ence to the parade.

How­ever, the back of the post­cards was starkly dif­fer­ent, dis­play­ing in large let­ters the white suprema­cist slo­gan “’Diver­sity’ is a code word for white geno­cide.” The post­card text claimed anti-racists are “anti-white” and that they sup­port non-whites “pour[ing] into EVERY White coun­try” to inter­marry with whites, thus extin­guish­ing the white race. The pride-related front was sim­ply cam­ou­flage for the racist mes­sage on the back.